how many years have you occupied this planet

wayne the goblin/robot

Im done with this *****
Dec 30, 2004
in other words how old are you? im 18

the reason i ask this is because i wish to know if any 40 and up people listen to symph x

p.s. how do you like my new sig. ha ha
35 here, and been listening to Symphony X since I was a wee lad, age 31.

And your sig... sheesh... The band is Living Colour, not In Living Color(that's a comedy show). As puns go, that was kinda weak("black" metal band... har har :p ). Also, it's "they're my only...", not "their". I do agree that Cult of Personality is a great riff(though I think they've written better songs), and that you shouldn't call Japanese hardcore, Japcore.
I am 20. I have only been in to metal and playing guitar for maybe 4 years. I wish I had discovered the wonderful music that I listen to now sooner, and certainly that I had started playing guitar when I was much younger.
i'm 23, been listening to SymX for about 4 years, and listening to metal since i was about 10, been playing drums for about 8, but started listening to prog-metal, and we all made the switch...know why? cuz basically, it kicks ass...yes.
I'll be 37 in two months. I guess I've been listening to prog since early Queensryche and Fates Warning's No Exit. DT's IAW was big for me too. Haven't liked them much since, though. I still dig a lot of thrash too.

I too have been listening to SymX for a little over 4 years.

Please God, don't let me be the oldest one here!
Platinum Maze said:
I'll be 37 in two months. I guess I've been listening to prog since early Queensryche and Fates Warning's No Exit. DT's IAW was big for me too. Haven't liked them much since, though. I still dig a lot of thrash too.

I too have been listening to SymX for a little over 4 years.

Please God, don't let me be the oldest one here!

(lie) im 45, feel better?
(influence lost: old dude who likes megadeth)
(action qeue: force push, power attack, master flurry, force storm)
I'm 19, and have been listening to metal since 1992, also....though I just recently (maybe 3 years ago....) got into prog/power first prog/power experience was a combination of Iced Earth and Metalium....I got into Metalium much quicker than Iced Earth, though....and then my brother showed me Dream Theater, and from Dream Theater, we discovered Symphony X thanks to's recommended bands list for "Those who listen to Dream Theater".....