How old were you when you started smoking ?.

I read something today that New York might be making it illegal to smoke in your own apartment.


I'm sure if smokers cared how bad it was for them, most would quit. Many just don't care.
Cookie, do you remember the southpark episode where Rob Reiner tries to force everyone to stop smoking while he stuffs his face and frames the tobacco company?

Shut the fuck up.
Yeah Ender is wrong:

"Secondhand smoke is classified as a "known human carcinogen" (cancer-causing agent) by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US National Toxicology Program, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization."

Cancer is just proof that if you survive disease, starvation, climate, poison and war, your still going to die.

You're all going to die. Get over yourselves.
I think that past the age of 7 everyone knows they will die someday.
You'll join me eventually. No one escapes the icy hand of death.

This man disagrees!

To a large extent at least.
Cancer is just proof that if you survive disease, starvation, climate, poison and war, your still going to die.

You're all going to die. Get over yourselves.

But the difference is that I should choose when to die (i.e. not to die sooner than later, before you make some fucking stupid inane irrelevant comment "you cant choose when to die LOLZ"), and smoking (publicly, around others, etc.) is unethical because it subjects people who are in the vicinity of the smoke to unnecessary harm without their consent. Your point is moot and a cop out.
So is yours, V5. A couple of minutes of secondhand smoke will not do shit to you. I've never regularly smoked ciagarettes, but if I was smoking one and a random stranger who was passing by complained about it, I'd give them something to really complain about and put it out on their face.
I'm not saying that it is particularly harmful, I understand that. I am not saying that people who smoke on streets need to stop doing it necessarily, either. I'm just saying that it is unethical for anything to harm anyone without their consent, including secondhand smoke. Obviously a whiff of smoke is hardly going to do anything in the long run, but it is still a topic which needs to be addressed. Just as smokers feel they should have the right to pursue their habit, non-smokers feel that they should also have the right to coexist with smokers without suffering the same body-deteriorating problems caused by first and secondhand smoke.
Here's the solution:
Box around smoker
Gas mask attached to box to take the bad smoke and make it good :)
