How old were you when you started smoking ?.

My dictionary doesn't contain that last entry:erk:
Still, it doesn't make much sense to me since the two verbs describe different functions/actions, that while closely related. shouldn't invade into each other's realm of detonation.(I meant denotation:lol:)
Amazing how boundaries between words are getting blurred all the time.
The same thing happens in writing, especially with complex nouns. Expressions like bath house or high school were once comprised of two separated words, then got linked via a hyphen and now are merged together as one. In 100 years from now we'llprobablybewritinglikethis.:p

4. To lead to (something) as a conclusion; to involve as a consequence; to imply. (Said of a fact or statement; sometimes, of the person who makes the statement.)
This use is widely considered to be incorrect, esp. with a person as the subject.
I've been smoking five years, and been a pack-a-day smoker for four. I have an extremely addictive personality so quitting (when I do) is going to be a motherfucker, especially since nicotine and caffeine are the only remaining substances I allow myself after getting off other, more immediately problematic substances. Still, I do plan to quit one day, but then what smoker doesn't? :lol:

I had my first cigarrette at 13, started smoking daily (about 5 ciggarettes per day) at 14, and by 15 anywhere from 10 on a good day to a pack a day. I smoked two packs in a day on two different occasions at 15. Now, I generally smoke a pack a day more often than not, but occasionally less.

marb 27's all the way. But I can stand reds if I have to.
Yeah, I'll admit I'm hopelessly addicted to cigarrettes. But I also enjoy smoking, and smoke for flavor as well as nicotine. I look at cigarrettes like some people look at wine.

I've sampled many blends from nearly all major brands, and I enjoy messing around with some foreign blends. I like to dabble in different blends of marlboros only sold in european stores. I've had blend no. 28, only sold in the UK, and blend no. 29, sold in Switzerland and Germany as well as a few other european countries. I'm waiting for a carton of Marlboro Mix 9 to come in the mail, they are an indionesian ciggarette slightly mixed with cloves.
I started smoking cigs when I was about 11 but I wasn't smoking cigs too much then. I eventually quit a short while later & then I started back when I was maybe 14 & smoked maybe a 1/2 pack a day for a bit. I quit for good when I was 16. I got asthma in my teens & I couldn't breathe when I smoked a lot of times. I quit smoking weed when I was 17. Now I wouldn't recommend anyone do any of it. Cigarettes are bad as hell for you & weed can be expensive. I just drink casually once a week, if that.
Yeah, I'll admit I'm hopelessly addicted to cigarrettes. But I also enjoy smoking, and smoke for flavor as well as nicotine. I look at cigarrettes like some people look at wine.

I've sampled many blends from nearly all major brands, and I enjoy messing around with some foreign blends. I like to dabble in different blends of marlboros only sold in european stores. I've had blend no. 28, only sold in the UK, and blend no. 29, sold in Switzerland and Germany as well as a few other european countries. I'm waiting for a carton of Marlboro Mix 9 to come in the mail, they are an indionesian ciggarette slightly mixed with cloves.

Clove cigarettes are the shit.
I am suppose to quit smoking because a girl I know and can for 1,2 weeks and than end up buying a pack and can smoke 20 cigs in generally 24 hours. I have cut back a lot and still end up hitting them especially when drinking. I'm really trying and regardless have not been smoking hard that long it is still really hard to stop. I get really bored and do not know what to do and just want to stand outside where ever and smoke and stare at something. It's really hard to stop smoking also when you spend majority of your time in a restuaraunt working some shitty job.
Why smoke cigarettes. You are paying for death. Totally fucking stupid if you think it will quit. All that money could have been used for some much other things. Very stupid thing to do.
Did you know it has been shown that tobacco smokers have half as much a risk as non-smokers to have problems with neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease? You're paying to keep your brain healthy, while harming your lungs. Also, it is a rather small percentage of tobacco smokers that die of a smoking-related disease, and those are almost unanimously very heavy smokers.

Bringing back an old argument regarding second-hand smoking, and the legality of smoking in bars: city air has just as many, usually more, carcinogenic chemicals as the air in a smoky café or bar, as well as the air within a car sitting in traffic. Also, the damaging effects of second-hand smoke are of low enough increased percentage of disease chance (19-ish%, or x1.19) to not be even considered a meaningful statistic by generally accepted scientific standard. Such statistics are routinely ignored entirely. The only reason second-hand smoking isn't is propaganda and taboo.