How popular are Symphony X?

In the grand scheme of things, they're not very popular at all. However, they're pretty well-known in the progressive metal world.

A lot of my good friends who are open-minded and musicians (and even some who aren't) think Symphony X is a really good band. I was very surprised when my friend who fronts a local punk band told me that he thinks The Odyssey is one of the greatest songs ever written. Many of my friends are also excited to see them on Gigantour.
Ayreon Guardian X said:
perhaps SymX likes the perks of their current label and doesn't want to risk the crap that could come with a large label...

Haha, I could see that now!

Atlantic Rep: "Okay, Mike, we liked the last album, but we'd like this one to be a bit more accessible. You know -- 12 songs, nothing too long, nothing too classical -- Bach speed runs aren't what's keeping the 14-year-olds dancing. You and the keyboardist really need to stay in the background and have Russell sing constantly, preferably about heartbreak and teenage angst. In fact, just go ahead and replace all of your solo spots with electronic-sounding breakdowns with lots of overly-processed vocal effects. And tell that damn bassist to stop playing leads! Keep it simple, man!"

Romeo: "Um...can we still do that song about the Spanish inquisition?"
You know, the fact that we have this topic to talk about is good, in my mind. Despite any disagreements we may have, in the grand scheme of things isn't it cool that we can say there are so many different variations or styles of metal out there? One doesn't have to be complacent with only one style. There's always something else out there with a special element that might spark one's interest after hearing it. It's a testament to integrity and originality, and that's one big reason why Symphony X is so loved by their fans, despite not being the most popular. If anything, we have a just argument against those who only know metal as the crap they see or hear about on MTV or other mainstream sources. Play them something like The Accolade or Divine Wings...and they just might have a second thought.
We have a little "badass" group at school, most of which play guitars. They all worship symphony x, as well as DT. The friends that don't know of symphony x, we introduce them, and so far everyone that knows them think they are gods. They are personally my favorite band. Whoever said that they have a large "cult" group of fans was right. Basically if you don't listen to symphony x at my school, then you're a queer who listens to rap music, which disgusts me, because 95% of my school pick rap over any other music style.
Moonchild141 said:
i would love to see them attempt different things other then the tried and true formula they have come up with.

I think SyX has awesome lyrics, but they are all fantasy based. I would love it for thee guys to write an entire album based on a modern human experience. I don't care if it's a fictional situation, but something that deals with human emotions and events would be cool. the noly thing I can think of to compare to would be "Operation: Mindcrime". Queensryche used to do the medievil lyrics and fantasy stuff, but this album brought them into the mainstream and I think is their best album to date. Sure, it was a story, but it involved modern characters in tragic events that made you feel for them.

I don't know that SyX could make this jump, but I would love it if they did.

Just a side note on their popularity... I think all of us die hard fans like the fact that they aren't that popular, because it gives us a sense of family, kind of like we feel SyX is "OUR" band. On the other hand, I would like to see them gain enough popularity that they could all make a comfortable living off it where they wouldn't be tempted to give up the band for other pusuits. That's always the worry I have with them is that at some point, some established mainstream band will come around and snag Romeo, or Russell, or whoever, and the band won't continue.
I own Divine Wings of Tragedy. Good album. Also, I'm not a musician.

Anyways, I like the whole fantasy lyrics. As a matter of fact I enjoy almost any band that sings about wizards and slaying goblins. I never get tired of it. Maybe because I like RPG's....? A bad thing about underground bands that go mainstream is that they lose their magic they once has when they were underground. I mean look at In Flames, they're a perfect example. I just hope SyX doesn't fall into the same ditch.
Well I typically like to wear my "V" shirt to local shows, and I get quite a few people who come up and say 'nice shirt dude'. Can't say thats the case of any other bands merchandise I sport.....
scanner313 said:
I think SyX has awesome lyrics, but they are all fantasy based. I would love it for thee guys to write an entire album based on a modern human experience. I don't care if it's a fictional situation, but something that deals with human emotions and events would be cool. the noly thing I can think of to compare to would be "Operation: Mindcrime". Queensryche used to do the medievil lyrics and fantasy stuff, but this album brought them into the mainstream and I think is their best album to date. Sure, it was a story, but it involved modern characters in tragic events that made you feel for them.

I don't know that SyX could make this jump, but I would love it if they did.

Just a side note on their popularity... I think all of us die hard fans like the fact that they aren't that popular, because it gives us a sense of family, kind of like we feel SyX is "OUR" band. On the other hand, I would like to see them gain enough popularity that they could all make a comfortable living off it where they wouldn't be tempted to give up the band for other pusuits. That's always the worry I have with them is that at some point, some established mainstream band will come around and snag Romeo, or Russell, or whoever, and the band won't continue.
I just HAD to say couldn't think of anything? How about Ayreon - The Human Equation?? That is QUITE a modern day realistic story with plenty of good details...
Thery are not famous in Italy, very few people know their music here. They are not much proclaimed, but everyone who listen to a song of theirs is astounded. I think that it is for the lack of videos or DVD. Dream Theater made some video at the beginning of their career, and many people initially fall in love for the another day one. Then, people appreciated their prog style. Personally, I listened to SymphonyX by chance. Now I can't do without them, I own all of their albums and I met them last year in Italy. SymphonyX rule! Let's spread their music!
Ayreon Guardian X said:
I just HAD to say couldn't think of anything? How about Ayreon - The Human Equation?? That is QUITE a modern day realistic story with plenty of good details...

It's about some aliens trying to simulate a "human brain", but you only find that out at the end...
Ooops, I spoiled it :p
scanner313 said:
I think SyX has awesome lyrics, but they are all fantasy based. I would love it for thee guys to write an entire album based on a modern human experience. I don't care if it's a fictional situation, but something that deals with human emotions and events would be cool. the noly thing I can think of to compare to would be "Operation: Mindcrime". Queensryche used to do the medievil lyrics and fantasy stuff, but this album brought them into the mainstream and I think is their best album to date. Sure, it was a story, but it involved modern characters in tragic events that made you feel for them.

I don't know that SyX could make this jump, but I would love it if they did.

Just a side note on their popularity... I think all of us die hard fans like the fact that they aren't that popular, because it gives us a sense of family, kind of like we feel SyX is "OUR" band. On the other hand, I would like to see them gain enough popularity that they could all make a comfortable living off it where they wouldn't be tempted to give up the band for other pusuits. That's always the worry I have with them is that at some point, some established mainstream band will come around and snag Romeo, or Russell, or whoever, and the band won't continue.

I must say SyX's lyrics are terrible. Well most of them anyways. I like the lyrics on The Odyssey, Egypt, The Acollades anyways, but nothing can compare with the lyrical writing of Daniel Gildenlow :p
Metropolis Part 2 said:
I must say SyX's lyrics are terrible. Well most of them anyways. I like the lyrics on The Odyssey, Egypt, The Acollades anyways, but nothing can compare with the lyrical writing of Daniel Gildenlow :p

speaking of which, what POS album should I buy first metro pt2?
Metropolis Part 2 said:
I must say SyX's lyrics are terrible. Well most of them anyways.
Yeah I agree. Oh wait, no I don't - this is the Symphony X forum for people who like Symphony X. What are you doing here?
Metropolis Part 2 said:
I must say SyX's lyrics are terrible.

Do you possess the power of rational thought? :

Metropolis Part 2 said:

Or do you just post the first thing that comes into your head?
just because your a member of a fforum doesnt mean you have to be a koolaid drinking blind loyalist that praises every aspect of the band. SyX are a great band no doubt but they arent perfect. the same guys that accuse another popular band of overplaying and wanking constantly overlook the almost everysong guitar keyboard solo trade offs. and pinellas solos to me are truely non descript. tho he is great at making amtosphere and soundscapes. they definitely stick to a tried and true formula to writing songs similar to how iron maiden or stratovarius does. but if you like this its not always a bad thing. and they do have a few cheesy songs on each album (except V that is perfection) but because i make these critisisms that doesnt mean i dont rock out to them lots and think they are great. no need to be a stepford