How popular are Symphony X?

I write from Turkey. They are not very popular here if numbers are counted. But they have very addicted fans, like myself. S.X is my favourite band. V and T.D.W.O.T are godly!!! They have never come here. :( .

D.T. has come to Turkey for 4 times i think. They have large numbers of fans here. Even a fan club, they have.

Lastly, if they happen to come, they'll be surprised when they see the amazing audience!!!

Good days' nights...
Metropolis Part 2 said:
I must say SyX's lyrics are terrible.

Don't forget to state that as your opinion, or you just appear like an ass.

I too prefer less fantasy-based lyrics, but lyrics are the least important part of a song to me. I'm all about the vocal melody over the lyrics, and I'd rather hear Russell sing fantasy lyrics over someone like LaBrie singing more modern lyrics.
Yngvai X said:
But the crowd that it latching onto Bodom Dimmu and especially In Flames is not the real metal crowd, but the metalcore crowd. So it doesn't really count.

Kind of amusing considering you were a big fan of Dimmu, what, six months ago?
Stickmaster said:
We have a little "badass" group at school, most of which play guitars. They all worship symphony x, as well as DT. The friends that don't know of symphony x, we introduce them, and so far everyone that knows them think they are gods. They are personally my favorite band. Whoever said that they have a large "cult" group of fans was right. Basically if you don't listen to symphony x at my school, then you're a queer who listens to rap music, which disgusts me, because 95% of my school pick rap over any other music style.
youre school = mine

hate it..
wayne the goblin/robot said:
are you really from iceland or is it New Braunfels in Texas?

becuase I used to know a fellow whos name was Alex, and his last name was Ferraro or somthing like that, who was a COB freak like yourself, and he lived in New Braunfels.
I usually check the local record stores to see if there's anything I like in there and I'll always glance at the Symphony X section to see what they've got on offer - usually V and Odyssey but sometimes previous releases including self-titled! I've never seen anyone pick one up though :(

scanner313 said:
Don't question people stating rather opinionated "facts" about Symphony X. That makes you a "koolaid drinking blind loyalist" apparently :err:
raging fury. thats the only term to describe my emotions after finding out that i was LITERALLY the ONLY person in my area that knew of the existence of such a band as Symphony X. My friends and i had been listening to alot of Megadeth at the time that i was introduced to them, and weren't too intersted in prog metal yet. When i showd about 200 people the music of this band (not all at the same time) they were left in awe.
Anyway, my point is that where i live (Long Island, New York) Symphony X is not even near its height of popularity.
In France, SymphonyX is not popular at all, actually prog music in general is not popular : here young people like pop music, and old people don't go beyond the Beatles........

So I feel a little alone in my country, that's why It's great to be able to share this music like that with people coming from all around the world!!

And by the way, I'm not a musician either, though I sing a little.
What if they aren't that popular? They are excellent, it is enough for me... Songs of them have apocalyptic visions... I feel beyond the galaxies when i listen to V, forget all about my worldly affairs. Thanx a lot S.X.... :Spin:
keila said:
In France, SymphonyX is not popular at all, actually prog music in general is not popular : here young people like pop music, and old people don't go beyond the Beatles........

So I feel a little alone in my country, that's why It's great to be able to share this music like that with people coming from all around the world!!

And by the way, I'm not a musician either, though I sing a little.

Well, there is Francais SymX website, so you can't be alone, lol.
Zelenhgorm I totally agree, this is enough for me too, and sometimes I have a lot of fun in music shops because SymX's albums are practically hidden whereas Britney Spears' ones are in the front of the shop, so I replace them hehehehehe...... I feel like I'm doing a good action!!

Progbass well the french website is not very active!
But It's true I meet french fans on the Internet and I'm very happy when It happens!
scanner313 said:
IJust a side note on their popularity... I think all of us die hard fans like the fact that they aren't that popular, because it gives us a sense of family, kind of like we feel SyX is "OUR" band. On the other hand, I would like to see them gain enough popularity that they could all make a comfortable living off it where they wouldn't be tempted to give up the band for other pusuits. That's always the worry I have with them is that at some point, some established mainstream band will come around and snag Romeo, or Russell, or whoever, and the band won't continue.

Well said!!! About the fantasy theme on the songs...well I have always seem them as a metaphor for a more philosophic and deeper ideal than other bands like hammerfall or rhapsody for example (OK maybe not Odyseey, but that's the way I think of Divine wings and V) my favorite SX lyric is sea of lies for it's approach to human emotions, and I would like to see them writing more songs on the same vein.