How to Appreciate Death Metal


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
taken from:

How to Appreciate Death Metal
While most people associate death metal music with a bunch of guys grunting and slapping detuned guitars randomly, there's a multitude of reasons why this genre maintains a strong following and earns the fierce loyalty of many listeners worldwide. If you're curious about death metal, here's you're chance to learn, appreciate, listen, and enjoy.

1. Listen beyond the crunching guitars and harsh singing. Although the rough guitar sound and grating vocals permeate all of death metal, it can take a little getting used to, especially if your ears are accustomed to softer sounds. Believe it or not, it's more than just noise...There are melodies, patterns, and complexities to be appreciated if you listen attentively enough.
2. Realize that playing and singing death metal requires enormous practice and skill. Even bass players, who don't do the complex leads and melodies associated with death metal guitar, cite to have practiced one piece of music for at least a full year just for a mere audition.
3. Watch a live death metal performance. Even if it's on a TV screen, observe how the group members manipulate the instruments. If you've ever tried to play those instruments yourself, you'll probably be amazed with how skillfully they play. It takes talent, practice, and dedication, which challenges the stereotype of metalheads being lazy and careless.
4. Remember that in death metal, unlike many other genres, each band almost always writes their own music. That includes the riffs, drums, solos, and lyrics. Writing your own music demonstrates another dimension of instrumental mastery and talent, as well as making the music more personal and less manufactured.
5. Understand the context and subject matter. Death metal lyrics and themes, while not to be taken literally, celebrate the outer extremes of human experience, such as the motivations of serial killers, the activities of the walking dead, death itself, and isolation. Death metal is less about generic anger and more about empathy for people who suffer from despair, isolation, and who possess an acute sense of unfair ostracism from society. Also, many bands will cover other topics not usually associated with death, such as mythology, religion, society, and even love.
6. Know the sub-genres. Not all death metal is the same. The genre contains many sub-genres that can frequenlty mix and intermingle with each other. As a result, it may be difficult to ascribe a band under a single sub-genre. Here's a general guideline to get you started:

* Gore metal: Cannibal Corpse, Exhumed, Aborted, Cattle Decapitation
* Goregrind: Terminally Your Aborted Ghost, Anal Bleeding, Gutteral Engorgement, XXX Maniak
* Deathcore: Despised Icon, Job For a Cowboy, Beneath the Massacre, Waking the Cadaver
* Grind: Phobia, Circle of Dead Children, Napalm Death, Rotten Sound
* Technical: Ominous, Death, Gorguts, Atheist, Necrophagist
* Melodic: Dissection (old), Dark Tranquility, In Flames (old), Sacrilege, Arch Enemy, Children of Bodom
* Brutal: Deicide, Malevolent Creation, Aborted, Deranged, Blood Red Throne, Dying Fetus, Decapitated, Suffocation
7. Respect the artists. The greatest death metalists almost can't make a living with what they do, and yet the musicians in these bands continue to soldier on in spite of their obscurity.


* The genre "death metal" has been extensively separated and sub-categorized, so to label a band as simply "death metal" can be a little vague.
* Keep in mind that all genres and sub-genres are under heated debate, so do not adhere to a single definition too seriously.


* There are many negative generalizations surrounding death metal. If you're reading this article, you've probably ignored them thus far. If you become enamored with death metal, be prepared for more raised eyebrows and grimaces, and continue to ignore them.


Thoughts? Opinions? I still sort of stand by the belief that if you have to force yourself to like something...perhaps you should try something else like Fusion or Bluegrass. But I do think people should at least give it the college try before writing something off as complete nonsense. I don't know.
That's a very well written piece by a person who obviously knows their stuff (except maybe about calling CoB melodic death metal), but I can't imagine it having any effect on someone not already into, or prepared to get into, death metal.
I instantly loved death metal, it was no acquired taste for me, but this article may help someone appreciate it more. Still they left out Flordian Death Metal as a subgenre and put Deicide as Brutal Death, I don't think Deathcore is Death metal, am I mistaken?
That's a very well written piece by a person who obviously knows their stuff (except maybe about calling CoB melodic death metal), but I can't imagine it having any effect on someone not already into, or prepared to get into, death metal.

COB is clearly melodic death metal with the melodies and the death metal vocals.

Between this is a very good article.

there we go with more negativity from the master.

Amen. I wonder what Necarutal's deal is he used to be so nice so I guess something happened to him recently that caused him to be really mad and is therefore taking it out on us.
I wouldn't classify CoB as melodic death metal...I'm not that into them but their music tends to be closer to power metal in a sense (not that I care for power metal). The 'melody' in their music isn't like that of melodic death, at least in my opinion. My opinion probably doesn't mean a lot since I barely listen to any metal thats melodic.

And for the record, because I have actually seen this before, but CoB has absolutely no black metal influence in their music. I always find those references absolutely ridiculous and mind boggling.
I agree about the CoB not being black metal accusation I just could never get it. I could see why you classify them as power metal (I'm a huge power metal fan) CoB is only not missing the normal high pitched vocals that Power Metal has so yea.
I agree about the CoB not being black metal accusation I just could never get it. I could see why you classify them as power metal (I'm a huge power metal fan) CoB is only not missing the normal high pitched vocals that Power Metal has so yea.

and yet they have the low growls that would qualify as death metal vocals?

are you on crack?
Children Of Bodom played Power/Speed Metal with harsh vocals on the first three albums. I don't know about the rest of the shit, but supposedly they added industrial elements or something. But they were never even remotely black or death metal, and no, the vocals don't make them death metal (or black metal).

I said the article is shit because it's pointless and because the list of genres really sucks.
I agree about the CoB not being black metal accusation I just could never get it. I could see why you classify them as power metal (I'm a huge power metal fan) CoB is only not missing the normal high pitched vocals that Power Metal has so yea.

Yeah, I've always thought of them being like power metal but with harsher/"death" vocals (if you call them that) in the finnish style. They even have a bit of a punk influence maybe? Not directly with their music though, hard to explain I guess. The band or Alexei I remember reading in an interview said that they don't consider themselves to be power metal or really that influenced by the music.
yeah it wasn't very good from an educated listeners point of view. it may more intelligently convey a point to a non-educated listener, but at the end of the day, people will either give it a chance or not. an article like that will seldom sway anyone's mind. they'd do better to give coherent examples and a list of less shitty bands and sub-genres.
Yeah, I've always thought of them being like power metal but with harsher/"death" vocals (if you call them that) in the finnish style. They even have a bit of a punk influence maybe? Not directly with their music though, hard to explain I guess. The band or Alexei I remember reading in an interview said that they don't consider themselves to be power metal or really that influenced by the music.

All metal has a bit of punk influence, from Atheist to Darkthrone to Suffocation
really none of this teaches you how to "appreciate" death metal, it's just a list of reasons some guy thinks people should respect it, but the reasons he gives are terrible. i was expecting to see an in-depth explanation of the construction of the music, and how it should be best listened to in order to appreciate that construction, which would've been interesting, but i get the impression this guy doesn't even know why he likes death metal so i guess he'd be incapable of that.

also 'Remember that in death metal, unlike many other genres, each band almost always writes their own music'. 'many other genres'? what genres? jazz, classical, and mainstream pop music? that's 'many'? another clueless metalhead.