how were you introduced to November Doom!?

Calm down, noone was jumping on your case Lateralus.....I just didn't know what you meant by your initial post. As I said, I have no issue with Opeth fans liking us, of course that's a good thing, and I have no issue with people saying our music is similar stylistically in ways or whatever, that's all cool. We've just had to deal with alot of people accusing us of trying to copy that band, which we don't. They're a great band and we're friendly with them, so it's cool. Some of the guys who've been posting here at the forum for a long time now have bared witness to some of the shittalking "you guys wanna be Opeth and copy them" bullshit that we've had to endure so that's why they were like "whoa boy here we go" at first, haha :)
I think it's cool if someone who discovered OPETH dug deeper into more underground dark metal and discovered ND.

I can certainly understand the band's frustration with anyone who accuses ND of copying OPETH. Both bands were formed pretty much around the same time, though it should be noted that LACERATION began in this direction with the RIPPING AVULSION 7".

Nothing against OPETH at all, but just like with most genres of metal, its usually the better bands who get less commercial recognition, right???
I had subscribed to this person on youtube and they literally had around 3000 videos which were all low-mid famed metal bands' songs. While I was digging through (because I liked a lot of what they had) I found the song For Every Leaf that Falls, and I was very impressed, so then i looked for more by them and I fell in love. Too bad that user got their account banned :( I miss their taste and variety of music.
The Knowing is my favorite. there are threads on here where you can see all of the forum (and some band) member favorites
i had heard ND on liquid metal b4 and had meant to look up Cd's but i forgot...then i saw you guys in the thanks part of the For Lies I Sire booklet and decided to check out Into Nights Requim Infernal. I really liked the fact that i could understand what you were singing
I saw The Knowing in The Exclusive Company and remembered reading something about ND in Metal Maniacs so I picked it up.
I was writing for Harder Beat magazine and Pale was among the cds waiting to be reviewed,due to some changes in my life,I never got around to it,and stopped writing for the mag,because of my retail work sched.I could no longer make to the monthly meetings on Sunday.I was immediately impressed with it though.I have long been a fan of older Paradise Lost ,but wasn't aware of any other bands with somewhat of a similiar sound.I also was impressed with Paul's lyric book and since I have a computer now,I contacted the editor of HB and arranged to do a review,my first actual book review, which anyone interested can check out at,Hey Paul !
Hey guys, Rich here, new to the forum :wave: but not to the band. As far as I recall, I think I saw a magazine ad for "The Pale Haunt Departure" and it really caught my eye, and the more I read about the band, th more it sounded like my cup of tea (I'm posting from England here, have to squeeze in a tea reference somewhere!).

Weird thing was that both myself and the other guitarist from the band I'm in both heard about the band at the same time and then both bought the cd the same week (I tihnk he bought it first and told me I had to get it!).

In fact, we did a myspace bulletin to our friends list about ND at the time saying "check out this cool band"!