How were you punished as a child?

If I was kind of bad, I had to sit in my bedroom with no tv, video games, etc. for a full hour. If I did something REALLY bad, I got spanked and sent to my bedroom. This didn't happen very often because I was a rather quiet and well behaved child.
What did I ever do as a youngster that actually deserved physical violence...?
But if you did receive violence, you can be excused from your neurotic behaviour and own violent acts as they are an outcome of the violence you received as a child. haa.
Never grounded.
I was made to read and write loads.
What did I ever do as a youngster that actually deserved physical violence...?
But if you did receive violence, you can be excused from your neurotic behaviour and own violent acts as they are an outcome of the violence you received as a child. haa.
Never grounded.
I was made to read and write loads.

What did I ever do as a youngster that actually deserved physical violence...?
But if you did receive violence, you can be excused from your neurotic behaviour and own violent acts as they are an outcome of the violence you received as a child. haa.
Never grounded.
I was made to read and write loads.

Well, that was a rather pretentious post. Way to generalize. :rolleyes:
Beating children doesn't work tbqh because pain is temporary. Taking away shit they want like tv, video games, etc has a much better effect and also doesn't involve physically harming your own offspring.
I was never beat but the spanking on the butt combined with taking things away from me really kept me out of trouble. I don't think there's anything wrong with a little smack on the behind and not sure why so many people today make a big deal over this.
I was never beat but the spanking on the butt combined with taking things away from me really kept me out of trouble. I don't think there's anything wrong with a little smack on the behind and not sure why so many people today make a big deal over this.


Also, IB people fap to the image of you being spanked.
one day i had a shitty report card and my dad broke all my pc game cds. some really good ones too
one day i had a shitty report card and my dad broke all my pc game cds. some really good ones too
What a dick.
My mum threw my 40GB classic iPod in the trash (one of the classic ones) because I spent all holidays lazing around once.

Got a new iPod now though. But fuck; I miss that old one.
Yelled at, shit taken off me, grounded, the usual stuff. Oh and I've had my fair share of being hit too and other shit like that(the most recent was actually around a year and I half ago, I was 16, though it was a one off)...i'm not talking about rape btw, just to me everytime I was grounded or hit was completely fucking unreasonable because it only ever seemed to happen when I started to act more independently, otherwise as a kid i shut my face and did what I was fucking told. And suffered for it.

Today's kids (especially in urban areas) should be taken out and hung for the shit they do.
Spanked, grounded, one time my Mom gave me a nice whap across the face when I was a teen (of course I deserved it).

Being a father now myself with growing kiddos, I always ground/take away games first, have them write sentences (which they hate). There's been a couple spanks when all else failed, and as a parent, I tell you it sucks to hell when you have to do that (for me anyways) but it works. Let's be honest, a good spank mainly just gets your attention and says "listen kiddo , I'm not f**king around on this matter any more!".

To some of the stories in here about physical violence - ugh, no kid deserves to be treated like that.
When I was young, my punishment switched from spanking to beating the fuck out of me, then it went to spanking with the occasional breaking of a wooden spoon and/or hairbrush over my head, then it was spanking and grounding, then it was taking my guitar away, and now, I don't really get punished.

The best punishment is switching between spanking and grounding depending on the severity of what the kid did.

edit: I forgot about having to stand in the corner... god that sucked. Especially considering that my second stepdad was an abusive prick. He would make me stand in the corner, then he would fall asleep and I would be in the corner for hours, I was too scared to leave the corner though because one time I did and got wacked in the head. Ugh, the smell of a corner... ugh, still my least favorite smell.
I was hit with a belt and than around 12,13 my dad would make me put my cds in a garbage bag in his room.
If my mother had taken stuff off of me after about 13 I probably would have absolutely rebelled and started throwing her stuff out.