2000 - 2009: How Will This Decade Be Remembered?

here in southamerica....awful decade, only bad copycats from europe and the states, too much faggots!!!

but according with music great releases..
Blabbermouth apparently felt we needed to know that James Hetfield attended a Dir en grey concert. Surely this is one of the biggest events of the decade! (Yes, I am being mildly sarcastic.)

I couldn't help but throw in my two cents.

So if Dir en grey are "experimental" then Metallica are still on the cutting edge of thrash metal? Dir en grey may have at one time, very early in their career, been described as a quirky glam band, which is basically all visual kei is, whatever pretentious fangirls might say about it. However, after a few albums and nowadays they've come to be nothing but a nu metal band that people find "exotic" or "experimental" because they're Japaneeeezu. There's nothing "progressive" or "noisy" about them, unless you think Linkin Park are avant-garde (lol). Maybe we can call them nu glam rock. Weeaboo poseur metal. High-class mall trash. A band that rode one cultural trend into worldwide success via another cultural trend, all in poor taste. Be sure and tell us when Hetfield catches the latest episode of Naruto, Blabbermouth.

I guess this is the state of popular metal today.