How were you punished as a child?

I don't think there's anything wrong with a little smack on the behind and not sure why so many people today make a big deal over this.
That's different from beating kids i.e. smacking them around in an arbitrary fashion and/or striking in the face and stomach. I think that's what people make a big deal out of. I don't know which people you're referring to, though, so maybe there are anti-spanking crusaders. It only works on little kids though...
Mostly just grounding and being sent to my room; shit like that. I've never been particularly rebellious. I do what I want, but that's never particularly veered towards shit my parents really really don't want me doing like drinking heavily, drug use, etc, so not a huge problem really. When I'd break shit I'd have to fix it.


I got spanked once for throwing my toy trumpet. That's it.
Spanking, then hitting, then taking all my favorite things like video games and cds, getting the router for several days.
I was reading a book last time called : Emotional Intelligence, they say you should beat or scare kids by no means, coz they will have problems in their education and learning ability, in social and inner life too ! but the other day i saw a women hitting her kid horribly, i wouldn't even think about hurting a wild animal that way !!!! They should do educative programs for parents about this subject, dunno if there is any in Europe or USA, but here, i don't think so, although they mention it on the radio sometimes.
I was a pretty good kid growing up so I never experienced any intense punishments. My dad raised me, and he was just an asshole in general so we would fight all the time. Although I do remember one time I was just a tttinny little girl and being stupid in public somewhere with my dad and he spanked me right in front of everyone. According to my father I never acted up again. Haha.
I was reading a book last time called : Emotional Intelligence, they say you should beat or scare kids by no means, coz they will have problems in their education and learning ability, in social and inner life too ! but the other day i saw a women hitting her kid horribly, i wouldn't even think about hurting a wild animal that way !!!!

I completely agree with this.