I am worried.

GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
Taliesin said:
Well, I wasnt complaining, YET. But I think Marduk has a point, an album that's not significantly different from Character and Damage Done would be too little change in the style.

Totally agree.

I liked "Where Death is Most Alive", but "Blind at Heart" left a lot to be desired IMO.

It is true that they're definetly/apparently going through yeat again the DD/Character style.

I do not complain, since they're really excellent albums, BUT if they continue with that same style DT will get boring.

The problem is that I'm starting not to feel the passion that I felt before as when listening say, Haven.

That cd will always make me heart tremble.

And I TOTALLY agree that the Haven and Projector areas should be exploited a hell lot more. A lot, lot more.

I at least would love to hear Mikael sing in clear vocals, he has a wonderful voice and it'd be a pity to waste it by using it only in harsh vocals.

Now, people may believe I'm a hypocrit, and I kinda am, but I must agrre with Marduk and Talesin 100%. I know that my previous posts about BAH and WDIMA say something totally different, but I mean, I was excited!

But I will now write with honesty from now on. I feel like shit because I did not confront my feelings towards DT.

I mean, who wouldn't get excited by a new song of your favourite band?

Yet now that I've heard the songs a ew times also, I have a totally different opinion.

And, I have to admit, that I do not like at all the direction the band is going towards to. I mean, "BAH" was a mediocre song that leaves a lot to be desired from a band as capable, talented and wonderful as DT is.

"WDIMA" was pretty good, again, nothing like "WHOA" *ejaculates* or something, but I liked it.

But I, as I guess some people here, have the feeling that the next album will be a 2nd Character.

Once again, the Haven/Projector should definetly be more exploited, it'd be awesome to see some kind of comination between the two of them.

And I think Martin B. can give a lot more to the band, I would like the electronics/keyboard be used a lot more, like in Haven. :headbang: :worship: :kickass: :headbang:

Your #1 Costa Rican fan,

Daniel "LBRH" Josephy H.
Shit, fuck, it's like you found Jesus, and then realized Tora was written for you!

Relax, wtf, why would one care what it's going to be - it's not up to any of us to pre-review anything what doesn't exist, it's senseless online I-am-fucking-bored-and-jerked-off-twice-already-so-I-can't-masturbate blather. Expect, dream, aniticipate, whateverthefuck - it's not going to change a thing.

Worries? Up the ass.
^ :p hehehe ok.

I must admit I may have been a bit harsh, considering that we've only heard two songs and the quality was quite sucky, but still... .

And I only jerked off once, still have one to go :lol: :p .
Well, Where death is most alive sounds ok but reminds me of Final resistance too much, and Blind at heart is too Character-ish. I think the new album will be a lot like Character and will have maybe a couple of slower/calmer parts. Having heard only two songs and not knowing the name of the album, i can't predict what the general mood of it will be, but so far i can say i'm as worried as Bloodred about DT not changing "enough" since Damage done.

On another note, i'm glad the tour ends tomorrow. As asshole-ish as it may sound to the aussies, japanese and koreans who enjoyed / are enjoying the tour, i really can't wait for them to finish recording the album, maybe make an ep for november and release the thing in april. And i really hope it doesn't leak.

Bloodred said:
The problem is that I'm starting not to feel the passion that I felt before as when listening say, Haven.

That cd will always make me heart tremble.
True, that's also one of their strongest/better albums on my list.

Bloodred said:
And, I have to admit, that I do not like at all the direction the band is going towards to. I mean, "BAH" was a mediocre song that leaves a lot to be desired from a band as capable, talented and wonderful as DT is.
Bloodred said:
But I, as I guess some people here, have the feeling that the next album will be a 2nd Character.
Considering that C was a second DD (kind of; the more i listen to DD, the more i like it, which is something that hasn't really happened with C), we could say that the new album will be a third DD. While i don't like the direction either (don't get me wrong, DD and C are good albums, especially the former, but it gets kind of boring after the third time), i do not consider BAH mediocre. True, i expected more, and true, WDIMA is far better (in my opinion), but that doesn't make BAH mediocre.

Bloodred said:
"WDIMA" was pretty good, again, nothing like "WHOA" *ejaculates* or something, but I liked it.
For a couple of seconds i looked on my library for a DT song with those initials, and when i didn't find one i realized what you meant. :lol:

plintus said:
Relax, wtf, why would one care what it's going to be - it's not up to any of us to pre-review anything what doesn't exist, it's senseless online I-am-fucking-bored-and-jerked-off-twice-already-so-I-can't-masturbate blather. Expect, dream, aniticipate, whateverthefuck - it's not going to change a thing.

Worries? Up the ass.
No, i quite agree with the whole idea of speculating about the album and expressing our opinions. It makes the wait far better than sitting tight without saying a word and then running to the store the day it's released.
As far as the new cd goes, I would argue against it being the same. DT likes two cd cycles, evidences by Gallery/Mind's Eye, Projector/Haven, Damage Done/Character. I think it'd be better to reserve opinions. Personally, I think any band can get boring, even if they change style because I think there's something more to say for artistic integrity/direction (and also, of course, if it rocks) over fanboyism anytime (ITZ GOOD BECUZ ITS DT!!!11!!@2). That being said, if the integrity fails (as it so often does, thankfully DT has stayed good), then its time to move on from the band.

Haven - not a big fan of that album. Its low on my list. :erk: I don't know, it's a little too light for me. I love projector though*, so I guess I'm just all over the place.

*of course I love all of DT's stuff

EDIT: Character is my favorite album too. Sorry if that counts as personal bias.
DisplayofCharacter said:
As far as the new cd goes, I would argue against it being the same. DT likes two cd cycles, evidences by Gallery/Mind's Eye, Projector/Haven, Damage Done/Character.
I kind of agree with the TG/TMI thing, even though they're completely similar and they have some quite important (and quite hard-to-describe) elements that differ greatly from one to the other, and totally agree about the DD/C thing. However, there's only one song on Haven with clean vocals, and it's not even the whole song; the keyboards are much more obvious and in greater quantity on Haven than on Projector; Projector is a very "acoustic" album, unlike Haven; and Projector never quite did it for me, unlike Haven (but that's personal, so it doesn't really count); so i wouldn't say that those two are similar to each-other at all.

DisplayofCharacter said:
As far as the new cd goes, I would argue against it being the same.
Evidence of the contrary exists in the form of two songs with great names and nice elements but awfully-similar-to-DD+C styles and riffs.

DisplayofCharacter said:
Personally, I think any band can get boring, even if they change style because I think there's something more to say for artistic integrity/direction (and also, of course, if it rocks) over fanboyism anytime (ITZ GOOD BECUZ ITS DT!!!11!!@2).

DisplayofCharacter said:
there's something more to say for artistic integrity/direction (...) over fanboyism anytime
DisplayofCharacter said:
of course I love all of DT's stuff
Considering the first of these two things you said, i would take away that "of course" from the second. ;)
UndoControl said:
Well, Where death is most alive sounds ok but reminds me of Final resistance too much, and Blind at heart is too Character-ish. I think the new album will be a lot like Character and will have maybe a couple of slower/calmer parts. Having heard only two songs and not knowing the name of the album, i can't predict what the general mood of it will be, but so far i can say i'm as worried as Bloodred about DT not changing "enough" since Damage done.

Yeah, finally somebody that understands me hehe :p :cry: :Smug: . I'm glad I'm not othe only that is feeling this way, I felt the need to say it because I care about the band, so I had to say it. I actually feel terrible, I don't know if what I did was right, but I think there's more posibilty of the band appreciating my honesty than getting mad hehe.

Really, this thread was SO hard to write, I really thought a lot before posting it, but in the end (it doesn't even maaatter :lol: ) I'm glad I did it.

UndoControl said:
On another note, i'm glad the tour ends tomorrow. As asshole-ish as it may sound to the aussies, japanese and koreans who enjoyed / are enjoying the tour, i really can't wait for them to finish recording the album, maybe make an ep for november and release the thing in april. And i really hope it doesn't leak.

Yes, I am actually pretty eager to see when/what will DT release next. I would LOVE an EP, and I guess the best month to release it would be November/December. An, sadly enough for ye, I don't think it won't leak, it basically happens with every album nowadays, so I don't see why it shouldn't happen with DT ehehehe :cool: .

UndoControl said:
Considering that C was a second DD (kind of; the more i listen to DD, the more i like it, which is something that hasn't really happened with C), we could say that the new album will be a third DD. While i don't like the direction either (don't get me wrong, DD and C are good albums, especially the former, but it gets kind of boring after the third time), i do not consider BAH mediocre. True, i expected more, and true, WDIMA is far better (in my opinion), but that doesn't make BAH mediocre.

Yeah that's true, I don't think the correct word is medocre becuase it isn't, it is more like: "don't like ot so much", "leaves a bit to be desired", "I don't feel teh passion."

UndoControl said:
For a couple of seconds i looked on my library for a DT song with those initials, and when i didn't find one i realized what you meant. :lol:

:lol: :worship:

UndoControl said:
No, i quite agree with the whole idea of speculating about the album and expressing our opinions. It makes the wait far better than sitting tight without saying a word and then running to the store the day it's released.

:cry: exactly, it is only natural to speculate. And even more now, with the relese of the 2 songs, it makes ye wonder things like:

"Will I like the new album?
"Will fans like me like the new album?"
"If not, will I stop liking DT?"
"How many fans will remain loyal even if they dislike the album?"
"Will they release an EP?" (WE WANT EP!!! WE WANT EP!!!)

"Will Caotico still love me because of the thread I just made?"
"Will he even read this thread?" (I hope he does actually).
"Will he want to go and have a beer with me when I go to Göteborg?"

:lol: :p

@Display of Character: But the problem is I don't want to move to another band!!!

That is why I feel that way now... . I don't want to start disliking DT... (and yet I dislike "BAH" hehe).

:ill: I'm going more :loco: than I am now hehe... :loco: o_O

PS: You have included 19 images... *thinks of inserting image here but remebers he can't and cries*
UndoControl said:
I kind of agree with the TG/TMI thing, even though they're completely similar and they have some quite important (and quite hard-to-describe) elements that differ greatly from one to the other, and totally agree about the DD/C thing. However, there's only one song on Haven with clean vocals, and it's not even the whole song; the keyboards are much more obvious and in greater quantity on Haven than on Projector; Projector is a very "acoustic" album, unlike Haven; and Projector never quite did it for me, unlike Haven (but that's personal, so it doesn't really count); so i wouldn't say that those two are similar to each-other at all.

Evidence of the contrary exists in the form of two songs with great names and nice elements but awfully-similar-to-DD+C styles and riffs.

Well, two songs are not indicative. I learned that about cds a long time ago. I can easily extrapolate that some might think its in the same vein as DD/Character, but I still think that's a litte hasty. Who knows what they could throw out? These guys are good about reinvention, and I wouldn't start having second thoughts after only two songs.

Also, I tend to think of Haven as a logical progression from Projector. The vocals are different, sure, but The Sun Fired Blanks sure as hell isn't acoustic (I love that song, so I am a bit shameless about it), though I could see the overall album being viewed that way. Haven, though, carries more keyboard than guitar harmony, and it leaves a thin impression on me. I don't get off on crunchy as hell, wall-of-sound guitars either, but I felt a need for more substance. I can't argue vocals because they are always good in whatever style, on every cd, and I can't argue lyrical content either (though he does make a few poetic cliches, but who doesn't? - humor) or drums/base. Its not the keyboard itself that bothers me either: one of my favorite songs off of Character is the Endless Feed, and I think that is very much a keyboard driven song.

The other thing is, I couldnt claim to know you or anyone else here well (yet). There could be a thousand person reasons to be loyal to it (that I dont and shouldnt know). I missed it's debut, I missed all the cds' debuts except Character, and that one is my favorite because its the one I've spent the most time with, amongst other reasons. It is certainly subjective.

BTW, good points. :)
i think Character and Damage Done are different. For me every DT album sounds different, even if we can still hear it is DT... Some have more similarities, but yet they are not the same.

I dont want to make any conclusion now that I have only heard 2 songs. I prefer to wait, because when recording/mixing the stuff, a lot of things can still change, and 2 songs dont necessary represent a whole album!
My opinion so far... WDiMA sounds like a bad Nu-in flames track. The chords in the chorus were just sickeningly simple and unmelodic, and the chuggy breakdown rhythm bits are just lifted straight from a million terrible try hard metalcore bands. The hook on the vocals sounded so 'been there heard that' it was disturbing. If I heard the vocals from a distance, I would assume it was some mid album track off projector or something... not a new track. The fast bits were just plain as sin. Granted, only one guitar was audible in the mix on the video, but unless they do something outstanding and interesting with the production, I'm just gonna skip that track.

My problem is probably that I spent all this week and last listening to the new insomnium... which fucking owns and has set new standards as far as melodeath goes. I joked that it was a good job DT didn't release the new album this year, as it would have been the second best melodeath record of 2006... :lol:... Oddly enough, Kalmahs 2006 release is also very hard to top as far as melodeath goes.... anyway, the point being, maybe it's closer to the truth than I thought at the time.
King Chaos said:
Oddly enough, Kalmahs 2006 release is also very hard to top as far as melodeath goes...

Clearly, you've got to be on acid trip.

The record is good, but not THAT good. It's fucking generic melodeath, if you want my opinion (Kalmah).
King Chaos said:
That's not the new one.

And no one asked you to make embarrasing confessions here. Start your own "I'm ashamed to say..." thread if you wanna speak such words.

Ah come on don't be so harsh, the album is at least listanable, I don't like it, but I mean, it's not :puke: Come Clarity :puke:

@PlinyPop: True, Kalmah is really good, and their last cd should've been COB's last one, but yeah it's not like thier the kings of Death or something.

@DD: Haha ok, hopefully we are all wrong :cry: :ill: :zombie: :erk:
@KC: It sounds like DT wanted to do some chugga music with WDIMA, a bit less catchy than what they did on Final Resistance. But this is by no means a nu-In Flames track when you get past that part. Because, first, you don't have to hear Korn vocal, second, you get some decent guitar parts when they get good, and last, you don't get a guitar tuning for a solo in the middle of the song.

But anyways, I'm not too pleased with the two new songs. But DT's history, single songs and a whole album can mean very different things. (Ex. Damage Done was better album-wise, and Character have better songs individually.) So, if the song fits well with the rest of the album, then it's fine by my taste. And a lot of things can happen from here to next April, things might be changed around.

There is nothing we can do but wait.
plintus said:
Clearly, you've got to be on acid trip.

The record is good, but not THAT good. It's fucking generic melodeath, if you want my opinion (Kalmah).

This coming from a man who's genitalia is stained with the stench of fridens colon...

lil' blood red said:
True, Kalmah is really good, and their last cd should've been COB's last one, but yeah it's not like thier the kings of Death or something.
(this is a little off topic but it has to be said)
The only people I've ever heard say this have been people/reviewers who know nothing beyond CoB when it comes to Melodeath (not to insult said people, perhaps their knowledge is probably specialised in other realms of metal). There's a lot of differences between the two bands.

The vocals are totally different...
The keyboards in kalmah don't carry cheesy ass melodies...
When Kalmah go fast they go blast speed, where CoB do more of a powermetal gallop...
CoB melodically sound really really merry, where Kalmah sound rather evil and swampy...
Kalmah's guitar tone has always been at the more brutal and cutting end of melodeath where CoB use really clear generic metal tones...
CoBs keyboards use really blunt synth strings and orchestra hits where kalmah mix it up using far more subtle ambient electronics to accompany the music...
I could go on to say the only thing that's similar is their appearance/line up... that they have a couple of guitar virtuoso's, one of which is also on vocals. But by that logic every four piece is metallica.