I bought a new car (the "I wanna be like Gugs" thread)...

You should get a Wrangler. I bought mine on Easter because Jeeps > religion, although I guess they are a cult of sort.

cult > religion

Everyone always told me how unreliable they are but I haven't noticed that part yet. 53k miles and 7 years, and sure there have been some minor leaks, but those repairs are done with 3 to 5 cents worth of Teflon tape and about 20 minutes of work. Just add a few "fucking Chrysler!" belches to that and I'm back off the road. Or not, I've been to the Cima Dome with a leaking front axle and Death Valley with a blown shock, both trips I made it home before I bothered to repair anything.

If mine exploded tomorrow morning I'd go buy another one before sundown. New or used, any generation, they are all good. And also terrible, but that's the charm!
Damn... I want a Wrangler so bad. They're just getting heinously expensive. You cant really count on any car to be reliable IMO, and it certainly cant be as bad as a Land Rover!
They really are laughably expensive but so are all other vehicles. Isn't the average transaction price something like $33,000? Anyway, Wranglers are among the best for resale if that helps.
Prices are straight up stupid on Wranglers, but they really do hold their value. I bought mine used for $24k over 5 years ago and it's still worth $21k, which is straight up stupid. I think Tacomas are the only thing that holds higher $$$.

Also this picture is to encourage both of you to go buy one. My slogan for driving within the woods is Only In A Jeep, A Toyota Works As Well, Or Any Other 4WD I Suppose (Damn I Miss My Samurai), And Some Easy Trails In A Subaru.

June 2019 Snow Peaks.jpg
Last night I got home around 10pm. Shut off the Subaru and went inside. This morning I went to the garage at 7am to get some dog food. Normal daily shit. Went out there again at 7:30am and from the back of said 'ru came a distinct BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-ing sound. Opened the door, turned the key to accessory, turned it back off and removed, sound is gone. This also happened about a year ago, and is normal, I think.

"Modern cars. They all [sound] like electric shavers."
Yep, it's normal. Some fuel evaporation system check. Confirmed in the owner's manual. One paragraph later the standard equipped blackbox datarecorder is described which will essentially tell my automotive insurance company how fast I was traveling in the event of an accident. I'm sure that is for my safety and not the security of more funds for them. Oh well, how about that local sports team? They sure do play with their balls.

"Where is security governed through scrutiny?
Your privacy denied, organized and confined!
No place to hide!
No place to [drive]!"
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Hahaha I love that pic. I can’t help but think that Adrian somehow took that photo himself even though his hands are visible
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Getting pretty bored with Nissan Rogue. It's one of those modern vehicles where they spent most of the development resources on a flashy appearance instead of on performance. They did succeed with that; its a nice looking crossover with a comfortable cabin and A LOT of room. It's just a total drag to drive... slow acceleration and sloppy steering, and the CVT is absolute garbage. The thing bucks and shudders at low speeds, and they consider this to be normal. It was pretty solid on the highway while we were driving 10 hours through PA, and I did average around 33-35mpg. Pittsburgh has a ton of small, windy roads with some seriously steep hills. I could barely get this thing over 20MPH on some of these hills... the CVT just stops giving you power at a certain point. I'm happy to have a safe, decent, and pretty much brand new vehicle, but I just wish I had shopped around a little more before pulling the trigger. Call me a little bitch, but I'm probably going to wait a couple of years and then dump it for an AWD Prius or Altima.
I've never piloted a Prius but I can't imagine it being better than 1) walking, or 2) not going anywhere. Also, I like to think about Prius drivers that trade them in every 2 years creating an efficient / inefficient cycle of hilarity. I think I have a real problem with those cars, not entirely sure why?

I drove the Subaru up a steep grade yesterday and laughed my ass off. Slow.....floored it.....noisy, yet still slow. I'm going to pay it off pretty soon, continue to mock it as it deserves, and eventually buy another Jeep. In 3 to 5 years or so, whenever my current one becomes an unreliable piece of shit.
I shopped the new AWD Prius too. Get one.

Did you actually get a chance to drive one? The obvious MPG benefits are pretty attractive. I'm at the point in my life where I just want something small, efficient, and reliable to get from A to B. I would get a Civic, but I live in an area where AWD is a serious benefit during the winter (lots of hills and stopping on hills). I did fine with snow tires for years, but I don't think I want to go back to regular FWD. I should probably check out some Subarus, but we will see.
Jonathan, you should start a car blog about cars that you want but never purchase. Or maybe a YooToob channel. I could be a guest spot. One year ago I test drove a new Wrangler and the dude asked me "so when are you looking to purchase?" I said "oh about 2 years from now." He didn't ask any further questions until less than a mile later, when he asked me to return to the dealer lot.
May get an awd Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross this weekend.

Ehhhhh use caution and read a lot of reviews. There's a reason why Mitsubishis are the cheapest SUV/crossovers that you can find and reason for the supicious amount of lightly used vehicles on the lot (like 1 year old with 8,000 miles...). My wife has a 2017 Outlander Sport AWD and it is a very cheaply built vehicle. I have no doubt that it will run reliably for 100k miles and beyond, but after driving it for a few months, we really understood the truth of "you get what you pay for". Also, the AC condenser died almost immediately after the purchase, but it was 100% covered by warranty. I can go deeper with my thoughts about the car, but if you drive one and like it, then by all means do what you want to do! For similar options and size, I would recommend that you check out a Mazda CX-3 first- infinitely more reliable and enjoyable to drive.
Yeah I totally expected cautionary responses lol. On the whole we are light drivers. Our last new car (which we still have) is a Hyundai Accent that we've put only 50k on in 7 years. It still runs well but it's falling apart cosmetically and we're just ready for something new, something relatively small with more space, and he wants awd for the occasional (very occasional) snow/ice day in Texas.

I don't dig the look of the lil Mazda crossover. I've been in my coworker's new Mazda 3 several times now, and the interior feels too cheap for the price. I don't mind a cheapish interior, but the price has to match. Once considered a Kia Soul, until I opened and closed a door on it -- they wanted too much for car doors that click closed like plastic.
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