I bought a new car (the "I wanna be like Gugs" thread)...

ditching the Focus already? what happened?

and dude, got a ride in Aston yesterday after he picked it up from the dealer. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! ... never rode in a proper brand new super car ... but man ... fuck me, even as a passenger I was shitting my pants from excitement and became super paranoid about even the smallest rock or imperfection in the road.

I will get it one day soon to test it out on the Merritt Pkwy ;) Max knows what that is.

i just went to his office (he is on the next street from mine) and this dude parked it on the street today ... as you see the choice vehicle behind it as we are in a pretty industrial area. the BMW guy about 10 minutes after this pic was taken was loading LUMBER in his hatch. I almost had a heart attack when I saw it and I didn't pay a dime for this car. My friend was like meh ...

That being said, I think this car looks more to me like a Jaguar although pics don't do it justice. It's simply stunning in person like it was sculpted from one piece of metal.

If I had cash I'd get something more raw like a Lambo or Lotus. Not a fan of the "luxury" aspect of the Aston although its the best and most seamless interior I have ever seen.

ditching the Focus already? what happened?

and dude, got a ride in Aston yesterday after he picked it up from the dealer. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! ... never rode in a proper brand new super car ... but man ... fuck me, even as a passenger I was shitting my pants from excitement and became super paranoid about even the smallest rock or imperfection in the road.

I will get it one day soon to test it out on the Merritt Pkwy ;) Max knows what that is.

heh... i know the Merritt. i waste way too many hours of my life on that road. my boss drives his ram 2500 truck through there at 80mph like its a fucking Maserati or something. luckily, we just got a brand new Sprinter van (Benz). should be a smoother ride from here on out.

we were at the Mercedes dealership and i noticed a used saab 9-5 in the lot. so when we were closing the deal on the sprinter, i asked the guy for the price of the saab. he says it's $4500 and that was that. as we were leaving, i went to take a closer look and i noticed that it had a massive/long dent on the drivers side as if the previous owner had smashed it up against a guardrail or something. not my idea of a sexy car. but the salesman comes running out after me and he shouts, "SHE'S A BEAUT, ISNT SHE? That thing is MINNNTTTTT!!!" . He then noticed the dent and just said, "Oh, then there's that. Sorry, I don't ususally work the used cars." :lol:

jerks, all of them.

lurch: going from an automatic volvo with a turbo to a 5-speed sedan with like ZERO power has left me with a serious hunger for another older European ride. stick isn't for me, ive been driving auto for 7 years and i just don't see the point. can't complain about the MPG, though.
lol @ car salespeople. THE WORST.

Time to turn the Cube back in today and pick up the Accord. I'm going to miss it. It's a goofy little car with tons of wind noise and it feels precarious on what are probably 14" wheels but otherwise, it's hella spacious inside and the rear left-hand-hinge swing door is brilliant. It also gets tons of stares from passers-by (because they're literally passing me by :lol:) because it's so wierd....or maybe it's because they're happy to see something that isn't a cookie-cutter design. Had I known it existed last Fall I would've seriously considered it over the Accord.
I am sure with a large frame like mine shifting ain't too much fun either Max. I put the word out to my MINI peeps about your search. There is a great used Volvo dealer I think in NJ. He only has good condition old school ones. will let you know.
I found it stored in the hatch, still in it's plastic bag. The car only had like 1500 miles on it when we rented it. I bet I was the first renter to even bother looking around and into cubbies. I guarantee I was the first to open the engine bay :lol:

While on the topic of versatile and intelligent vehicles....whatdya think of this new Ford C-Max thing? Seems like a rebadged Mazda5.
I am sure with a large frame like mine shifting ain't too much fun either Max. I put the word out to my MINI peeps about your search. There is a great used Volvo dealer I think in NJ. He only has good condition old school ones. will let you know.

EXACTLY. i can pretty much sit comfortably in the car, but working the pedals and arms is a whole different story

but that would be incredible. thanks a lot... i hope he takes trade-ins :grin:
EXACTLY. i can pretty much sit comfortably in the car, but working the pedals and arms is a whole different story

but that would be incredible. thanks a lot... i hope he takes trade-ins :grin:

here's what they came back with:

Here's a link for your friend that may help him with his Volvo 240 education:


Given the age of these cars, they aren't showing up at dealers much anymore. Craigslist is probably best. Or check the Volvo forums: Brickboard.com, Swedespeed.com, Turbobricks.com

There's a dealer in central NJ that sells pretty mostly used Volvos - but even this guy doesn't have 240's much anymore:
