I bought a new car (the "I wanna be like Gugs" thread)...

Those things are getting too old. It's depressing. I'm always on the lookout for an early '80s BMW 528i - which is surely the best car ever made - and I can't even find them. Can't even locate parts cars.
Dorian- my dad has one. he collects old BMW bikes and cars, he built a 2002 from the frame up. it's red, has 100k on the motor. he is always selling shit, i'll let you know if he wants to get rid of it.

thanks lurch. i had a guy offer me a pretty nice 1983 Volvo 240... he wanted to trade it for the focus. while they are roughly the same value, i do not think it would be a wise decision even though i'd rather have the 240. chances are the focus has overall better parts, but i guess i'll have to look at the volvo. would suck to do the trade and then have the transmission kick the bucket or whatever. interior looks mint though
Yeah, that's the generation I like. I think it lasted until 1987 or so. Light, smallish, no safety equipment, torquey inline sixer, four doors...the perfect car.
as much as i like old crappy cars, i gotta say bro, spending $4,000 on any 240 is not a very smart thing to do (unless you're gonna put it in a museum and never use it)

have you ever driven one? i mean it's not a fun car
well okay.

i just replaced about 500 parts on my car and now i realized i with 95% certainty have a blown head gasket. this i can not replace myself. SHIT JUST KEEPS BREAKIN'.
What car can you get for $200 a month? I've never had a payment less than $250 and that was a bare-bones Ranger without even a CD player
man, took a ride today with mi amigo in the AM ... destination Manhattan.

never happened to me before, mostly saw it movies but a 3pk of super hot chicks just would not leave him alone as we were waiting at a light. just blatantly flirting.
i was contemplating selling my spot in the passenger seat to the highest bidder.

dorian + a car like this would be like .... head explosion.