I did some vocals & leads for Masterbeast! (clean vocals)

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hi Guys :)

I´m currently working on that wonderful track, composed by our own Sneapster Masterbeast. It´s not mixed and finished yet, but it shows the direction, it´ll go then. Tell us, what you think. This is just a part of the entire epic. Here ya go:


It´s a matter of honour, cause he did all of the Machines & Madness (release coming soon) artworks for me. Mike, you are the man :kickass: Thank you!
I'm getting visions of Bruce Bruce and Joey Belladonna joining hands and walking into the light, only to behold Adrian Smith on a nearby cloud ripping a tasty lead! I'm so glad I asked you to do this. the ending is fuckin killer!!!
Hahaha thanks A lot, man :notworthy Very glad, you liked it!

Can´t fucking wait to hear the finished version with those brutal horror like screams in the middle part. This entire song has some really moody, depressive horror atmosphere haha. Did you sing the screams btw? :)
Felix & Vocals = Son, I am never disappoint ;)
the mix is a little dull but I like the song's atmosphere & riffs!
Thanks so much Robert & Marco!! :kickass: This just makes me happy!

the mix is a little dull but I like the song's atmosphere & riffs!

Mix isn´t finished yet. Mike will mix it, as soon he got the finished vocal wave from me. I´m sure the result will be tip top then :)
The dullness may come from the fact that I sent Felix an mp3 to sing over and that's what you're hearing. I may actually get someone else to mix the final set of songs (3 or 4 for my eventual CD), and probably reamp the rhythm as well. This was only LE456 and the SOLOc plugs for rhythms and leads, but I'll probably keep the leads using SoloC and just reamp rhythms.