I don't comlain a lot, but when I do...

Tee said:
I'm more irritated by constant asskissing that floats on the board.
danke, meine schwester, das ist richtig

just as a curio, when LRD haunts the royal carnage board, he does not post in caps....for reasons unbeknownst to moi

I don't mind off topic threads, I think it helps you learn some stuff about your fellow board members and therefore helps build a community. but some threads are just utter stupidity.

edit: I don't post much here anymore although I really like some of you people. and there's a reason for it. <3
Dead_Lioness said:
Can everyone please explain to me how on earth a great forum
turns into a shit spammed board with nothing but cap locks shitty threads???

Yes, I'm talking to you Lord Gay Dragon.
You're far from funny and no one cares.


What pisses me off is when people are instantly defensive and belligerent...if you feel the need to put someone down for their opinions, at least be witty.

This whole "gay" "suck" attitude makes this place a waste of time. There are some cool people here and some actually attempt to have music discussions.

Too many inmature and overly opinionated, self righteous nerds.
I would have deleted plenty of dopey threads before this but I usually don't like to step on the toes of a band's assigned mod. If it is annoying you all that much though, I would be more than happy to step in and start weeding out the junk.