I don't know Opeth, how to start?


Erunér - One of The Seven
Jul 19, 2003
well,,, I'm new here and...

I'm really like things like Symphony X, Dream Theater, etc... (and a lot of others but SX and DT mainly) ,, I've always seen the OPETH's name in that forums...

now,,, I know you know OPETH good stuff!!

so, recommend me some good album!
Well.. at first i was gonna say something like, -download a few songs- But something that makes Opeth unique.. is how every song fits perfectly in the album as a whole... ..
---- forget about that----

STILL LIFE -----> that one its a MUST have.
Blackwater Park ----> Best Opeth album IMO

or maybe.. buy Damnation AND Deliverance at the same time.
Orchid is a classic
Morningrise is cool, but the production kinda sucks
My Arms, Your Hearse is very heavy (the song Demon of the Fall IS a must have)
Still Life is their best (IMO)
Blackwater Park is a must have (and easy to get into)
Deliverance is super heavy
Damnation is very cool but completely mellow

So I'd say; start with Blackwater Park, if you're completely into that one, buy Still Life and the rest is up to you.

BTW, I asked Mikael (the singer/guitar player) the same question three years ago. I only had Blackwater Park back then, and he recomended me Still Life. So there you are.
get BwP frst. If you want a song that really shows how Opeth mainly sound. The Moor and the Bleak (my personal fav') are the best to showcase to Opeth (even tho BRI is their best, but it's a hard download as it's 20 mins) then you buy the albums.
Well, I'd personally recommend Still Life first, it's one of, if not their best and I found it easy to get into...

I actually found Blackwater Park quite difficult to get into...took a lot more listens that Still Life. Oh well, maybe its just me :p
Hope Leaves said:
Well, I'd personally recommend Still Life first, it's one of, if not their best and I found it easy to get into...

I actually found Blackwater Park quite difficult to get into...took a lot more listens that Still Life. Oh well, maybe its just me :p

Thats strange... I always thought BWP was the most accessible , its guitar sound is softened by the bass, and its more melodic as opposed to Still Life's discordant leads. The start of Godhead's Lament took me ages to get into, now its my favorite part.
Why does every one think that Still Life and BWP are so similiar? I find Still Life to be very individual... it's much more animate than BWP. And I don't think Still Life had a single weak song on it, while BWP did. In any case... buy Blackwater Park. You shouldn't have any trouble finding it. If you like it, order Still Life online, because you'll have trouble finding it in stores... I do, but I don't know where you live. Don't buy Deliverance or Damnation any time soon. Then after Still Life, you would like My Arms, Your Hearse. And the rest can be done at any time!
Get the Blackwater Park special edition. I got mine for $11.99 new at BestBuy when it was on sale. I think that its regular price is $14.99 or $13.99
Kennon: actually to me deliverance, still life and BWP sound pretty alike (not that it boards...they sound alike on a high level and those three are my faves)...the riffs are pretty similar on these i think.
Hello thread starter,

before I knew Opeth my two favorite bands were also Symphony X & Dream Theater! (still are, but along with Opeth now :))

My first album was Deliverance, and it was way too heavy for me, but I enjoyed the mellow parts. Because I was addicted to the clean/mellow parts, I kept on listening, and finally came to a point I even enjoyed the growling death parts. Still, I was afraid to check out older albums, because I thought the earlier stuff would be yet heavier! But nothing is less true, so it actually doesn't really matter wich album you choose! you'll be addicted anyway!
Hey, DestrwidoR.

I recommend starting with Blackwater Park. If you really can't hang with the death vocals, then immediately skip to track 3, "Harvest". Listen to it and Track 4, "The Drapery Falls", about four or five times. Once you're hooked on them like crack, then start on Track 2, which is "Harvest", and listen to the rest of the album; listen to it as background music, if you like. After a while you will come to accept the growling vocals as if you were listening to James LaBrie. Then you will discover how truly kick-ass the rest of the album is. From there, just buy some more Opeth albums.

This strategy has worked before.
Easily their most accessible song is Demon of The Fall, so download that.

If you either like only the heavy part, or all of the song, then you will have no problem getting into the other songs.
I downloaded some music that you said and really healthy very good!
A style a little different than I always liked, however, that sounds very well!

I already bought Blackwater Park, and the next will be Still Life...

good stuff!
