I En Svunnen Tid


Sep 2, 2007
This thread really doesn't have much or anything to do with Vintersorg, himself.
But, for all of you Otyg lovers, you may want to read this.

I just got the new MCD of SKALD, "I En Svunnen Tid". It's the best thing I've heard since Solens Rötter. If Otyg were to be still alive, this is exactly what they'd sound like. It's utterly fantastic.

The quality is 100% and the songtexts are amazing.
I suggest you order a copy for yourself. It's only about 100kr with shipping.

If you want, you can listen to clips of it/them just to make sure you're not getting trolled.
www.skald.mine.nu & www.myspace.com/skaldswe

I would surely order a copy! But I guess that they wouldn’t send to Brazil =/
Anyways, I’ve got their demos, and their work seems very promising
It’s nice to know that there still are bands like this.
What the hell, it's out? Why was I not informed of this!? The samples on myspace sounds really promising and I've been anticipating this MCD highly.

Order sent.

Also, Hebbe, make us some t-shirts! I want one with this motif. :)

(or better yet, the old front page picture with the rock carving horse)
What the hell, it's out? Why was I not informed of this!? The samples on myspace sounds really promising and I've been anticipating this MCD highly.

Order sent.

Also, Hebbe, make us some t-shirts! I want one with this motif. :)

(or better yet, the old front page picture with the rock carving horse)

Hehe, sorry to say that we're not printing any t-shirts until the full-length is released. But I want one myself so bad, that maybe I should get things started a little earlier... :)
And the circle and the little goblin-guy will of course be on the t-shirt. Hmm, that horse is pretty cool as well... anyone has any other suggestions of motifs, post it in this thread.
I thought everyone knew about your band Henrik :lol:
I knew of it of course, but I had missed the release date.

Draugen said:
Hehe, sorry to say that we're not printing any t-shirts until the full-length is released. But I want one myself so bad, that maybe I should get things started a little earlier...
And the circle and the little goblin-guy will of course be on the t-shirt. Hmm, that horse is pretty cool as well... anyone has any other suggestions of motifs, post it in this thread.
Personally I like clean and simple designs, generally the girlie tee's are much cooler than the regular shirts as the later ones typically feature some cheesy quote or corpsepaint portrait on the back. :p

Really, just the ring and nothing more would look awesome (though obviously you'll want the band name on it somewhere too... maybe on the back?). I have one minor gripe with that front page pic, which is the fact that the goblin guy is off center while the name and ring are centered. It just bugs me a little. :p

But I think anything based on the album cover will look great. But less is more, in my opinion. :)
Personally I like clean and simple designs, generally the girlie tee's are much cooler than the regular shirts as the later ones typically feature some cheesy quote or corpsepaint portrait on the back. :p
I TOTALLY agree with you 100% here. Less is definitly more when it comes to t-shirts.

I have one minor gripe with that front page pic, which is the fact that the goblin guy is off center while the name and ring are centered. It just bugs me a little. :p

I know, but that's because of how the letter A looks like. Had the goblin been centered, most of the A would be concealed. But nothing is definite yet, and I'm always toying around with the logo.
The t-shirt will probably have the goblin centered, and look a bit more like the record cover.
I think it turned out perfect! The artwork, I mean.
I put in an order the day of the realease - I was really excited for it. And for being such a pain in the ass about getting this record in such a hurry, I sent Henrik a few extra kr to buy himself some Norrlands.
By the way, thanks again, man! See you at Sweden Rock!

I'm shocked that you didn't know about it "AMF", you're in the "thanx" portion. Next release, I best be in it! :p j/k