I found the new In Flames...It's HEAVY.

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
I just downloaded the new In Flames record and I am telling you in all
honesty it's way heavier than Reroute to Remain and the rest of the record
is much heavier than what you have heard with "The Quiet Place".

This record is definitely sounds more like Colony than RTR.
Deadly Embrace said:
Great News..................Indeed!:hotjump:

YES! There's a total heavy element to this record that was missing on
RTR. They're combining Colony and Clayman and RTR and voila...Soundtrack
to Your Escape. DE....you will love this disc. If you don't....I will accuse you
of smoking the same crack the Opeth fans have been smoking....
OfficerNice said:
YES! There's a total heavy element to this record that was missing on
RTR. They're combining Colony and Clayman and RTR and voila...Soundtrack
to Your Escape. DE....you will love this disc. If you don't....I will accuse you
of smoking the same crack the Opeth fans have been smoking....

You sure got my hopes up... I'll give it a try ... thanks!
I haven't been able to locate the album... but I found Touch of Red and Borders and Shading. Touch of Red is okay, not the greatest, but for some disturbing reason I like the chorus... Quiet Place and Borders are laughably bad.

I'm pretty eager to hear the new album, tho... not nearly as eager as I was before I heard Quiet, Touch, and Borders...
Wow... a lot of wishful thinking here. :p

Guitar sound is heavy... the riffs are boring and repetitive. Nothing about the three track promo striked me as anything new, original or inspired.

Sounds more like they heard the majority of their fans complain about r2r and decided to try to recapture some of that audience.

The drums have a really really weird mix... flat and dead mix.... but the guitars are thick and heavy sounding. (sounding thick and heavy isn't the same as BEING heavy, Limp Bisquick and Korn sounds heavy but isn't :p)

Overall I find the songs I've heard to be rather pointless... that's just my opinion though :heh:
xenophobe said:
Wow... a lot of wishful thinking here. :p

Guitar sound is heavy... the riffs are boring and repetitive. Nothing about the three track promo striked me as anything new, original or inspired.
Sounds more like they heard the majority of their fans complain about r2r and decided to try to recapture some of that audience.
The drums have a really really weird mix... flat and dead mix.... but the guitars are thick and heavy sounding. (sounding thick and heavy isn't the same as BEING heavy, Limp Bisquick and Korn sounds heavy but isn't :p)
Overall I find the songs I've heard to be rather pointless... that's just my opinion though :heh:

You are basing your opinion on the 3 song promo? is that correct?
xenophobe said:
The first three songs that were leaked... I'm not sure... I deleted them. :guh:

You answered my question. Xeno.....you had 1/3 of the of the album...
I have the whole album...12 songs.

I clearly stated that the rest of the record isn't like "A Quiet Place"....
you can make your opinion but since I've heard more of it than you have
at this point, I think your comment of wishful thinking is just bollocks.

There's lots of growly vocals and straight forwardness and the drums are
not flat sounding and the riffs arent repetitive and boring, there's many
instances of that not being true. There's lots of heaviness and I'm talking
in terms of In Flames, not comparing it to other bands or in relation to
other bands.

The album combines elements of Colony,Clayman and RTR to make a
better record than RTR was and some of us like DE and me liked RTR
so for us that says a lot. The word "heavy" isn't limited to one definition.
In Flames new record isn't as heavy as Dimension Zero but those are
2 different bands. I use the word heavy to talk about In Flames only
and I don't think you do.

But, I have the whole record....not just a sample...like you.
I hope it's as good as you say Officer! Looking forward to more strong albums this year. I feel the tide turning....higher quality, and more metal than ever.
Officer Nice is right on with his opinion of the album. I picked it up on Friday night online and have been listening nonstop. It almost sounds like this album shoulda come between R2R and Clayman. It sorta sounds like a bridge between the 2 releases. In Flames are total pros. Not sure how anybody can not like this album. This is definately a better album than R2R for me.
Steiner said:
I picked it up on Friday night online and have been listening nonstop. It almost sounds like this album shoulda come between R2R and Clayman. It sorta sounds like a bridge between the 2 releases. In Flames are total pros. Not sure how anybody can not like this album. This is definately a better album than R2R for me.
xenophobe said:
.....Sounds more like they heard the majority of their fans complain about r2r and decided to try to recapture some of that audience.
I don't think so......After talking with them at Wacken last year.....they feel their are doing better than ever, and are very happy at the sucess they have achieved musically, every album sells more than the previous one, they continue to play bigger venues, bigger crowds, have better higher posistions at major Festivals.....this is a band thats still climbing and still evolving the way they want to.....R2R out sold, every other album they have, by alot, in fact I think it has out sold Colony & Clayman combined.......so I don't think they really are worrying about trying to recapture fans, they have more & more new fans everyday.....thats a just a fact!

From Interview With Anders of In Flames:

The Quiet Place has quite a lot of keyboard sounds and clean vocals – some older fans have already complained about the lack of death-metallic sounds and the increase of synthies – what would you answer them?
A:Uh, they should go and buy another album, you can't record an album using the same things again and again. We don't mind, but we need to to something new, we have to decide what it's best and if people don't like it, we can’t do anything about it.
I even know some people who claim that you changed your style just to reach a wider audience!
A: No, that's bullshit!
We didn't change the sound that much, it's just a progression that started and we go on with it. You can't compose songs just to please people, no way.

Could you ever imagine to record an album on which you'll go back to the roots?
A:Why? We have all the roots with us, why do we have to go back to the roots? If you’re a band and you say "Ah, we need to go back to the roots", then you lost something along the way, there’s no point. We exist for ten years now and we can't write the same songs again and we don't want to do.

Yeah, I even like your newer albums more than the old ones.
A:Great to hear
I found one of the tracks, the first one, F(r)iend. I really wasn't expecting much and was pleasantly surprised! No whiny clean vocals, just brutality... the intro riff didn't do anything for me but the rest of the song was great. I'm glad there's at least one song off the new album without any clean vocals (that was one thing that bothered me about R2R, it's like they made a conscious decision to have a clean vocal part in every song). I'm looking for more songs right now.
Stun said:
I found one of the tracks, the first one, F(r)iend. I really wasn't expecting much and was pleasantly surprised! No whiny clean vocals, just brutality... the intro riff didn't do anything for me but the rest of the song was great. I'm glad there's at least one song off the new album without any clean vocals (that was one thing that bothered me about R2R, it's like they made a conscious decision to have a clean vocal part in every song). I'm looking for more songs right now.

I told you it was heavier than RTR.
I listened to it and I thought it sucked... the only song I liked was F(r)iend. The rest sounded too much like R2R to me. I should stop comparing every In Flames album to The Jester Race though...
hey officer, i agree totally with the whole clayman meets colony and shot in a blinder with R2R, its beautifull really, cause i liked R2R, but there were some songs i didnt like, i have heard quiet place f(r)iend and in search for I, both are heavy fairly fasat, and tearing it up like only in flames could do, im really looking forward to this album and seeing them on tour for the 3rd time, they always slay live, oh and by the way i am liking how there isnt as many clean vocals with the synth on it, anders needs to stick to screaming his vocals out on a plater, and not "singing" his chords into a trashcan
In Flames last album, 2002's "Reroute To Remain", has sold around 60,000 copies in the U.S., according to Nielsen SoundScan. Its predecessor, 2000's "Clayman", has shifted approximately 40,000 units in the U.S. so far.

33% higher sales.........in the US........And lets not forget they are huge in Europe, and these figures do not reflect those numbers........