I found the new In Flames...It's HEAVY.

hey officer, i agree totally with the whole clayman meets colony and shot in a blinder with R2R, its beautifull really, cause i liked R2R, but there were some songs i didnt like, i have heard quiet place f(r)iend and in search for I, both are heavy fairly fasat, and tearing it up like only in flames could do, im really looking forward to this album and seeing them on tour for the 3rd time, they always slay live, oh and by the way i am liking how there isnt as many clean vocals with the synth on it, anders needs to stick to screaming his vocals out on a plater, and not "singing" his chords into a trashcan
I can't help but hear a major "Ordinary Story" and
"Scorn" kind of vibe and sound to the new songs but also sounds like "Square
Nothing" and "Satellites and Astronauts" and "Only For the Weak" in certain
places...combined with some clean vocals and snythy stuff and voila....
Soundtrack to Your Escape. I think it's great.
I agree with you, they tear it up how only In Flames can do.
I am so anxious to see In Flames live again....I can hardly wait til this

In Flames Art:
Celine Dion said:
I listened to it and I thought it sucked... the only song I liked was F(r)iend. The rest sounded too much like R2R to me. I should stop comparing every In Flames album to The Jester Race though...
I've heard F(r)iend, In Search of I, And Dead Alone. All 3 songs kicked ass! Only complaint the songs were so good I got sad when they ended. They were all a little over 3 mins long. I can;t wait to get my hands on the whole album! 36 more days \m/
ChaosWithoutProphecy said:
i have EXTREMELY low expectations for this album.
Most of the posts in the forum indicate the album is good. Most of the
feedback on various In Flames chat boards is very positive and overall, lots
of good reactions to hearing the new disc.


Officer Nice said:
You answered my question. Xeno.....you had 1/3 of the of the album...
I have the whole album...12 songs.

I clearly stated that the rest of the record isn't like "A Quiet Place"....
you can make your opinion but since I've heard more of it than you have
at this point, I think your comment of wishful thinking is just bollocks.

There's lots of growly vocals and straight forwardness and the drums are
not flat sounding and the riffs arent repetitive and boring, there's many
instances of that not being true. There's lots of heaviness and I'm talking
in terms of In Flames, not comparing it to other bands or in relation to
other bands.

The album combines elements of Colony,Clayman and RTR to make a
better record than RTR was and some of us like DE and me liked RTR
so for us that says a lot. The word "heavy" isn't limited to one definition.
In Flames new record isn't as heavy as Dimension Zero but those are
2 different bands. I use the word heavy to talk about In Flames only
and I don't think you do.

But, I have the whole record....not just a sample...like you.
Well, I went ahead and downloaded the whole album and have given it a few listenings with an open ear... My opinion hasn't really changed. I did like a few parts here and there... mostly I find it uninspiring and repetitive.

Just because it has more growling and less clean vox does not make it a better album. Well unless that particularly matters to you. I like or dislike music for more particular reasons than "hey the last album had clean whiney vocals on it so it sucks" mentality, or "it's heavier so it's better". I like everything from Dvorak to Pink Floyd to Portishead to Diana Krall to Anorexia Nervosa and Nile... I'm not a one genre-minded person. It really does nothing for me... I'm quite fond of The Jester Race, Whoracle and Colony, but since then, they've gone into an area that I don't find appealing.

I still contend the drums sound flat and have a weird mix, the snare also particular bugs me for some reason. To me it seems since Colony, the drum mix has changed to be a bit thinner.

Of course it contains elements of their previous albums, it IS the same band... :loco: You can say that about 90% of bands out there. Because Seasons of Abyss had elements of Reign in Blood and South of Heaven doesn't necessarily make me judge it any differently.

Sure, music is an art, but it's also business... I think this album is more business than art. There's much less there to differenciate it from 1/2 of the other mallcore bands out there than there used to be, but that's just my opinion. They're moving to the mass appeal nu-metal. I have no problem with that, I just don't particularly care for it. Hang me if you choose, that's just my take on it.
xenophobe said:
Sure, music is an art, but it's also business... I think this album is more business than art. There's much less there to differenciate it from 1/2 of the other mallcore bands out there than there used to be, but that's just my opinion. They're moving to the mass appeal nu-metal. I have no problem with that, I just don't particularly care for it. Hang me if you choose, that's just my take on it.

You and tons of other people out there are gonna have to get over the
over-said and very tired "Nu-metal" dismissing out there. In Flames sounds
nothing like what little I've heard of Korn and they're nu-metal right?
You must be an expert in nu-metal to make so many references to it.
Since you are an expert on nu-metal, explain how in every way you
believe this to be true. Stand behind your opinion.

Simply because they're being more experimental doesn't mean they've gone
pop. Most artists want to take their art and create new and different
things. They've already written "Jester Race" "Whoracle" "Colony" and they
can't write Part 2's to those records. People bitch when they don't and
when they do, most often, people bitch that they're just trying to rehash
the past and they can't do anything new and stay to their core sound.

Dissing off the new stuff and calling it nu-metal is just an easy copout
really. Calling everything nu-metal these days is so closed-minded and
overdone. New IF sounds nothing like Limp Bizkit and they're nu-metal.

The new album is clearly not nu-metal in the fucking slightest, and you need your ears tested if you think otherwise. There are plenty of old-style guitar harmonies on the new album. I loved R2R and this new album blows it away.
Songs like "Dead Alone", "In Search For I" and "Superhero of the Computer Age" are pure In Flames and as good as the best on Clayman. Big deal there
are no solos on the record, maybe it's different to break from the norm and
not do a solo. If I really need to hear solos I can listen to old IF or another
band. Nu-metal bands don't do solos because they don't have the ability to,
but IF has proved they are capable of that.

At 5 O'Clock they're taking you to the gallows pole......
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There you go, "hey it doesn't sound like Korn so it must not be nu-metal" so you must be right. :err:

Well, what would you classify it as? It's no longer Melodic Death, it's not Thrash, it's not Metalcore, it's not power metal, it's not Hardcore...

What is so wrong with the nu-metal label anyways? Does it insult you that there is no real other genre to put it in? If it does, surely you need to grow up. WHAT is wrong with nu-metal anyways? I didn't say it in any demeaning way. I happen to LIKE some nu-metal, so your elitist metal attitude is striking me silly.

I didn't say THEY SUCKED, or that they weren't good musicians or whatever. Just cause I don't paritcularly care for the new ablum, I'm so wrong? :lol:

Hey, prove to me your favorite color is better than mine why don't you? Or your daddy can beat up mine. Geez... :loco:
xenophobe said:
There you go, "hey it doesn't sound like Korn so it must not be nu-metal" so you must be right. :err:

Well, what would you classify it as? It's no longer Melodic Death, it's not Thrash, it's not Metalcore, it's not power metal, it's not Hardcore...

What is so wrong with the nu-metal label anyways? Does it insult you that there is no real other genre to put it in? If it does, surely you need to grow up. WHAT is wrong with nu-metal anyways? I didn't say it in any demeaning way. I happen to LIKE some nu-metal, so your elitist metal attitude is striking me silly.

I didn't say THEY SUCKED, or that they weren't good musicians or whatever. Just cause I don't paritcularly care for the new ablum, I'm so wrong? :lol:

Hey, prove to me your favorite color is better than mine why don't you? Or your daddy can beat up mine. Geez... :loco:

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xenophobe said:
There you go, "hey it doesn't sound like Korn so it must not be nu-metal" so you must be right. :err:

Well, what would you classify it as? It's no longer Melodic Death, it's not Thrash, it's not Metalcore, it's not power metal, it's not Hardcore...
First of all, I asked what nu-metal was and you didn't.
Second of all, I would classify as it as "In Flames" and "heavy"

There's too many labels out there. I don't need to spend 43 hours
defining what label every band is. I love melodic death and the bands
that come from the Gothenberg SCENE. I like SCENES. The Bay Area
SCENE and the Gothenberg SCENE. Labels and categories are things
invented by Record Companies and Marketing g00ns and critics. I am
neither of those things. I like Exodus and I like Primus. They're both
Bay Area but both of them aren't thrash. I like SCENES. I love music.
Labels and categories are for critics, record companies and marketing
people. I'm just a fan.

What is so wrong with the nu-metal label anyways?
The musicianship is the only thing I really know about nu-metal. Korn
and LB aren't terribly great musicians. I don't think you could refute
that. Korn can't jam freestyle with other musicians and their ability to
do covers isn't terribly astounding, such is the case with LB. I don't hate
nu-metal, I also don't really know anything about it so I don't hate it.
In Flames are waaaay better musicians than Korn and LB. That IF has
proven. Remember "Everything Counts" off of Whoracle? It's one of the
last songs on the record...It's a Depeche Mode cover. IF do a fantastic
job covering it.

If it does, surely you need to grow up. WHAT is wrong with nu-metal anyways? I didn't say it in any demeaning way. I happen to LIKE some nu-metal, so your elitist metal attitude is striking me silly.
Ha Ha yah ok. You cant compare IF to Korn. Korn are 3rd string and IF
are starters. I'd consider that demeaning to their talent and creativity.
You may not like R2R but it was very creative with their infusion of
growls and clean sounds low guitar riffs and chunky shreds with synthie
space sounds and pauses and breaks and melodies and lyrically it's so
superior to Jon Davis' "boo-hoo my mommy didn't love me enough so I'm
all neurotic and dysfunctional and fucked up now" lyrical garbage.

Nu-metal is fine for those who like it and I don't hate it and I don't think it
should die away and it's certainly done nothing to fuck with real metal.
R2R certainly was not like the old stuff which I totally love to, but neither
R2R or STYE are nu-metal unless you can reply to me and illustrate and
define it for me.
hiddenlegions said:
Getting back to the In Flames topic ( heh :grin: )

A Live In Flames concert can be downloaded Here ..........

I just burned a cd and of course it's playing :rock:
From the Clayman tour! YES! AWESOME!

