I Got Akerfeldted!


Nov 8, 2004
Just got back from the London show... it was fucking immense!!! Extol were pretty sucky but Opeth fucking slayed!

They played the same setlist as Birmingham and Manchester...

The Baying of the Hounds
In My Time Of Need
To Rid The Disease
The Drapery Falls
The Grand Conjuration
Face Of Melinda
Blackwater Park
Demon of the Fall

Their stage performance completely owns the Lamentations DVD. Mikael is a funny guy! He talks a lot more and has attitude. Setlist wise, I think it is perfect! After Deliverance, The Baying of the Hounds and When you really need a break. It gets fucking hot and sweaty! The damnation songs are a perfect time to cool off.

I think my highlight of this amazing night would have to be Blackwater Park. They played it beautifully! It surprised me as the bootleg I had of this song didn't sound too impressive. This is Opeths number 1 headbanging song! The Grand Conjuration wins the award for the most violent moshpit. I have quite a few battle scars and bruises from that! The Drapery Falls was also played maginificently. This is definetly one of their best live songs. The beginning and the end is so uplifting!

My neck is stiff, my ears are ringing, i'm soaked to the skin in other peoples sweat, and I LOVE IT!!! I shall be booking tickets to their second London show tommorow! :grin:
:rock: Holy Fuck dude, what you described here - and all of it - sounds fucking awesome! It's cool to see you had a damn fine time.

I'll be seeing these guys in Detroit on the 27th of October. Man, I fucking can't wait! It'll be my 5th time seeing the band.
I was there! Fuck me when owned. All the songs owned actually, even the grand canjuration. That song sounds bitchin live. The croud were going bonkers too i loved it. Topic creater might have my sweat on him :P
^ lol, man.

But still, when I see them live I seriously hope they play what I believe is their best song on the new album, Ghost of Perdition (GoP). That song would KILL live!
I'm confused, why would they play only like 2 songs off their new album?
But how did you actually get akerfeldted? I was expecting you to say something like "mike pissed in my eye, or spit on me" or something like that, or maybe he called you a fat, pompous dimwit in front of the whole audience...

But your posting had nothing to do with being akerfeldted. :(
Good set, glad to see When on there. wish they would replace Demon of the Fall with Godhead's Lament but for some reason they think DOTF is their Run To The Hills.
I was also there and was my first opeth gig (i narrowly missed the lamentations gig - how gutted???). They were awesome, despite meanfiddlers poor acoustics and sound system. Peter was quite often inaudiable.

I thought Akerfeldt's reparte with the audience was excellent, such a good sense of humour - very tongue in cheek.

The keyboards were good, they did not swamp everything and were subtle which is for the best. I believe it made for a more interesting sound and face of melinda had a really interesting new sound to it. The damnation tracks were flawless.

My only gripe was the drumming. I think Axenrot's double bass work seemed at times to be sloppy and even too slow in parts (end of BWP was a prime example)...but he's bound to improve as the touring goes on.

All in all though, best gig ive seen in a long while.