I got beat up by my pals last weekend

I said it. I said "super sensitive" people are dumb. And yes, racism is dumb, too. But hey, I live in the real world, and racism ain't going anywhere. I'm sorry to say, but it's staying right here. And people won't get any smarter on either side of this issue, so grow some thick skin, ferchristsakes.
[taking up JayKeeley and Spaffe's debate, and dammit, my internet timed out while writing this so I had to reboot]

spaffe said:
Yeah, I don't claim to have any absolute truths to show, just a different version, but that's pretty obvious I guess. Anyway according to this book (the main litterature in the university course I did) claims that the aryans emerged somewhere south of India and conquered India (and other lands as well perhaps) and its indigenous people in 1500 BC and later on mixed with the locals and merged.

haha, I've got that book in front of me right now and I was just going to read part of it to try to clear this up.

It claims that "aryan" comes from Sanskrit, meaning "arya" or noble, and that the Aryans emerged from within India, or came outside of it and migrated inwards. The Rigveda claims that the Aryans invaded the area around the Ganges river, although being epic poetry you can take it from having as much credibility as Homer's Illiad or the Bible. The Aryan/Vedic civilization lasted from approx 1500-500 BCE. Darius of Persia came between c. 521-486 BCE and mind you both Persians and the "Aryans" came from a common Indo-European language speaking nucleus as the prevailent theory proposes. Perhaps Darius and the Aryans in India had a common ancestor who called themselves "Aryan"?

I've also seen a more broad definition of Aryans being Indo-European speakers, which taken in any way could be the descendants of Indo-European speakers or just any person who speaks an Indo-European language.

Complications with this is that it conflicts with the modern Nazi Party proposed "aryan ideal" which is most comparable to modern germanic peoples, so in that sense the word has been popularly redefined in recent times.

Again, I do not claim to be an expert whatsoever, and even experts can't agree on this.
JayKeeley said:
Have you seen them out of interest?

Also, when you see films like Schindlers List, do you feel guilty for being German?
When I was in highschool, we had a kind of youth exchange with a school in Warsaw. So I went to Poland a couple of times, and seeing Auschwitz, Majdanek and Treblinka was part of the schedule. I went to see Sachsenhausen with my history class; a few years later I went there again on my own. Out of interest you could say or because I thought I'd be able to understand things better by then. There is a huge difference between seeing pictures in books and standing right there between the shacks and fences.
No, I don't feel guilty for being German. What happened back then isn't my fault. Not even my parents were born at that time. But of course you have a different sensitivity for these issues because you are confronted with that part of history - and the prejudices that come with it - here almost every day.
My brother-in-law's great uncle was a U-Boat commander. He also had two other great uncles that died on the Russian front. His father actually has a signed copy of Meine Kampf. He makes no apologies for this, and neither would I expect him to.
Racism is only funny if it comes from someone I know not to be racist (or from anonymous internet people). If a person I knew to be racist made a joke on the expense of another person's skin-colour, it would only be irritating.

But I've said it before and I'll say it again: Racism is stupid. And I'm ethnocentric myself, and I'm not afraid to admit it.
I wonder why the term "Aryan" would have been stolen by the Nazis to re-define then, seeing as how it has nothing to do with germanic/white folk. They should have brought back the "Goths" or something instead. :loco: At least that was a germanic tribe I believe.
Well I always thought Fotmbm was joking with the my pals stuff--especially since he lives in Sweden. Not many american blacks in Sweden I wouldnt think.

As for the Nazi stuff, it is kind of sick to wax nostalgic on the Nazi's especialy since they mudered human beings as if they were cattle. I think some of the Nazi fascist trends in Europe today maybe attributed to the growing numbers of immigrants in each of Europes largely homogenious populations. I have been in Italy with an American Black as part of Univ project, and he was treated as if he was subhuman.

As some of you know, I have a few great uncles that were nazi's and a few cousins. I know they were ashamed afterwords as they gave all the nazi memorobilia to my Grandmother to be done with it. and I dont think they knew what was going on with the jews etc. I think it is horrible, but you know, humans collectively are capable of horrific things out of individuals control. We all sort of have Iraqi blood on our hands, and individually we know there is nothing we can do about it.
FACT ... the people you hate the most will someway or another end up in your family.

When you have kids, keep telling them how you hate my pals and eventually they will start dating one :D
Papa Josh said:
I'm getting a little fucking sick of seeing so many white people on here throw that word around so freely. As a staff member of RC, I respectfully ask for it to stop.
Give me a fucking break. How many people have you offended, Mr. FUCK ISRAEL? Don't be so god damn fucking selective about which kind of offensive humor you like and dislike.

Besides the fact that throwing around words like my pals kike honky beaner chink and others in a funny light DIMINISHES THE NEGATIVE EFFECT.

God damn, this thread had the great potential to be HYSTERICAL and now look at it, you fagz took it seriously. *does that tater peeling shame motion to you lot*
One Inch Man said:
Give me a fucking break. How many people have you offended, Mr. FUCK ISRAEL? Don't be so god damn fucking selective about which kind of offensive humor you like and dislike.

Besides the fact that throwing around words like my pals kike honky beaner chink and others in a funny light DIMINISHES THE NEGATIVE EFFECT.

God damn, this thread had the great potential to be HYSTERICAL and now look at it, you fagz took it seriously. *does that tater peeling shame motion to you lot*

What the fuck ever dude. We've got people on here that have shit like Kill jews in their avatars and EvilC is Jewish. And before you go getting on your soapbox calling me selective, when I say "Fuck Israel" it is in reference to their government and politics, not their people and culture.
It's funny that white people have to walk on fucking egg shells around black people. As blacks freely use the word "cracker" and "whitey" with blatant disregard. Fuck my pals!
One Inch Man said:
hahaha yes!

One time many years ago we were hanging out at some dude's house, and our friend who was VERY dark comes up to the window at night and all we could see were teeth and eyes when he knocked on the window. Scared the shit out of us, we were probably stoned.

Was this the culprit?
