I got laid last night!

lizard said:
years of aerobics and weights...
Dude your wife is a total MILF! SOCOCOOREORSEE!!!!!

BWD completely won this thread, that was so awesome.
Yes, it is the most awesomenest. Primus was always a great cover band. Even that one Partridge Family song just totally rocks.
I'm listening to the Primus version for the first time. I don't think it's even close to being as good as the original... it's not nearly as layered or creepy. It's mainly Claypool's vocals that always kept me away from Primus, though. He sounds like a muppet! The cover's pretty decent though.

There's my biased opinion!
Yeah I haven't either. :loco:

Dude you let Claypool's VOICE keep you away from Primus!? That's like saying you hate the sound of Bill Bruford's inverted crash, so you refuse to listen to Yes!
This thread is a total winnar, we've got sex, rock n' roll, and it's only a matter of time before somebody gets drunk and wanders in here to complete the Sacred Triumvirate of Holiest of Holies!

Now I shall rate it 5-stars to keep it up to the Highest Mark of That Which of to What UM May Give.
fucker ... I could not score with that Asian chick from a few weeks ago. i think i just need to check out www.asianflowers.com and just get it over with

but I scored with a Puerto Rican MILF already ... but that is in NY so that does not count :Smug:

gettin single moms in bed is super easy ...
I saw Primus live with Helmet. We and my friends left after a few songs from Primus. But Helmet rocked the house, yo!
shit, since you are in NY mark ... ask her if she has some single friends

- huge, mountainous Eastern Europaean
- receding hairline
- nursing a beer belly
- likes metal
- drives car liked by asians
- likes to throw around small chicks like rag dolls