I hate grunge.

Glam, much like "Grunge", was perfected by the pioneers. Simply put, bands such as Judas Priest, Van Halen and Aerosmith actually brought some innovation to the table whilst the dross that followed suit (Warrant/Poison) just regurgitated a shittier, watered down version of the style the made thousands of people sick all over the world.

In the "grunge" spectrum, clearly the Seattle 4 had their own shit going on, but by the mid-90's you had try-hard bands such as Bush & Silverchair (Nirvana in Pyjamas) just cashing in on an established/mainstream sound.

I feel that there is a lot to be enjoyed from both genres, but the further away from the original sound you get, the more you'll find you're just listening to a bunch of posers.
Perhaps not full on glam initially, but they're three bands which layed the groundwork. By the time the 80's rolled around they were pretty much glam bands, don't you think?
I mean, Turbo is kinda glammy in places, but no I'd never describe Judas Priest as a glam metal band. Van Halen and Aerosmith were never really metal to begin with, but sure they contributed to the whole glam thing in the 80's. Problem with your analogy is that glam goes way back into the 70's and none of those 3 bands played glam music in the 70's so they can't really be called the pioneers of it.

Glam itself stretches way back into the days of glitter rock as well, so... I dunno your comment is kinda weird IMO.
Yeah fair enough, having listened to fuck all glam metal I wouldn't really know all that much. For me, Priest at least showed some signs of drifting towards "glam" around the time they started writing power ballads such as "United". But perhaps I'm labelling shit as glam that isn't necessarily glam, maybe power metal or hard rock are better terms.

What would you describe Priest's mid-80's output as?
Kiss were definitely a huge part of glam becoming a thing, and I'd just call Judas Priest straight up heavy metal.

Edit: Kiss were a big deal for glam because before them most glam bands weren't really heavy, they were just rock bands with crazy outfits, but Kiss came along with the full visual nailed down but also had riffs and music which could be called heavy. Basically the first full package glam rock band, before them glam was mostly stuff like some Alice Cooper, David Bowie, Slade etc, then you get stuff like Mötley Crüe a bit later who edged glam rock towards being metal.
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Besides the massive hair, faggy clothes & subject matter of the lyrics, is there anything (musically speaking) that defines "glam"?

Catchy choruses maybe?
Best way I've ever seen it described was "pop music for metalheads and vice versa" lol.

I think there's something to be said for the claims that glam rock/metal opened the doors for a bigger female fanbase in rock and metal.
Oh yes, that cannot be denied. Much like pop bands themselves, sex appeal is an integral part of the package as a whole. Glam bands were always much better entertainers than regular metal bands as well. There's light years between David Lee Roth & Ozzy Osbourne when it comes to showmanship.
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Hey, we all have our opinions however, I disagree with your general tone towards grunge. I am not in any way into the genre grunge, but I can see why people would be into "pessimistic" or "depressing" music, as I grew up listening to KoRn which is very depressing music.

Just because you don't like a certain style of music, because there is enough depressing things in life, doesn't mean others will have the same outlook. Me for example, listening to "sad" music was a way to make me feel, and connect with another human on a level I was not getting from anywhere else.

Each style of music is going to make someone feel something different, whether it be positive or bad is subjective towards that individual person. I'm not asking everyone to start listening to genre's they dislike, but I don't see the need to make fun of or "hate" genre's when obviously there is something about those genres that people connect to and make them feel something.
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