I hate grunge.

It's super funny that he rants and raves about the commercial-ness of grunge while unflinchingly and unironically deep throating the droopy, wrinkled, and bedazzled cock of the single most commercialist subgenre of "rock" in history. There's nothing about hair metal that wasn't preened, crafted, and owned by giant labels, carefully constructed androgynous rockstar personas built to make money.

You can't seriously talk about wanting depth and passion in music and then praise the most simplistic, poppy, and hedonistic dogturd the music industry ever shat.
It's super funny that he rants and raves about the commercial-ness of grunge while unflinchingly and unironically deep throating the droopy, wrinkled, and bedazzled cock of the single most commercialist subgenre of "rock" in history. There's nothing about hair metal that wasn't preened, crafted, and owned by giant labels, carefully constructed androgynous rockstar personas built to make money.

You can't seriously talk about wanting depth and passion in music and then praise the most simplistic, poppy, and hedonistic dogturd the music industry ever shat.
I resent that Nirvana were practically overnight anointed the teacher's pet of MTV and the music industry, at the expense of a lot of other Heavy Metal bands who were instantly blackballed. This was a major change from the 80's/early 90s where MTV catered to all different audiences a little bit with their programming and specialty shows like Yo MTV Raps and Headbangers Ball. Then MTV instantly threw that all away when they crowned Nirvana. God, they still make the emergence of Nirvana seem like the Beatles appearing on Ed Sullivan or some shit and sorry folks I just do not see it. I hated the way the situation was handled and the way the band was managed and propped up and I always will.
It isn't cool or good to just make 'noise'. It isn't cool to purposely write bad songs to piss people off. Instead, I see this as Kurt 'trying too hard'. He thought that being 'anti-corporation' was hip. Thus, he was trying too hard. It isn't cool to play instruments that are OUT OF TUNE.So much of Nevermind is just noise. Almost like Kurt Cobain was writing songs that purposely sucked to piss ppl/their label off.That is no cool.. So much of their imagine/persona was engineered. If anyone were to blame the downfall of the record industry. Really it's nirvana.
Of course this shitty band nirvana paved the way for the shittiest era of rock music of all time 27 years on. After grunge exploded it carried over into post grunge then to nu metal. And because of that that's why we have rap,pop,and indie style of music are on the charts. Glam metal musicians were honest. At least they could play guitar. What's the last song that even resembles a Rock anthem? Nirvana helped kill rock&roll. And so many bands followed the Nirvana formula. Guitar starts off clean, the singer sounds like he just woke up and has a hangover, then the distortion kicks in and all you hear is screaming screaming and more screaming. The only guitar solo sounds like someone is castrating a bull, and you can't understand a word the singer is saying. Weird Al did a perfect video of smells like Nirvana. Even tho he has just joking around like he always does he was telling the truth in that video.
it's just total horseshit. nirvana is much closer to the original spirit of 'rock 'n roll' than most of the shit he's been praising in this thread. instrumental prowess, being 'in tune' and guitar solos are not defining qualities of rnr at all. go listen to some '50s rock 'n roll, '60s garage rock, '80s alt rock, you'll realise that nirvana were firmly a part of a longstanding tradition, as were many of the bands they ripped off/paid homage to. hair metal on the other hand was a bastardised, commercialised version of rock repackaged for top 40 cunts.
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Considering the word grunge was first coined towards music in the 60's and there was a grunge scene years before Nirvana became popular I think his story stands up really well.
What he says grunge bands did (got rich quick, took over the industry, made it impossible for non-grunge acts to succeed) is exactly what hair metal did several years before. If a metal band wanted success they had to do their hair up and stop writing good riffs, and instead start writing Bon Jovi-tier faggot shit.
lets go beyond the spirit of rock and talk about the spirit of metal, which hair "metal" contains none of. Hair "metal" was basically the antithesis of actual heavy metal music, and was one of the main reasons that most thrash and NWOBHM bands despised them. Grunge has more in common with heavy metal than that poppy crap. And in all honesty, people need to stop referring to that garbage as metal.
Considering the word grunge was first coined towards music in the 60's and there was a grunge scene years before Nirvana became popular I think his story stands up really well.
Grunge was pushed on younger people in the 90's to promote heroin and suicide. Melodic hard rock and glam metal weren't the only genres to suffer. Some great melodic intelligent thrash metal got the boot as well. Rock that wasn't pushing their depression/junkie agenda was left out in the cold. Kurt Cobain also was the most overrated figurehead for trendy rock music.
it's just total horseshit. nirvana is much closer to the original spirit of 'rock 'n roll' than most of the shit he's been praising in this thread. instrumental prowess, being 'in tune' and guitar solos are not defining qualities of rnr at all. go listen to some '50s rock 'n roll, '60s garage rock, '80s alt rock, you'll realise that nirvana were firmly a part of a longstanding tradition, as were many of the bands they ripped off/paid homage to. hair metal on the other hand was a bastardised, commercialised version of rock repackaged for top 40 cunts.
I am sorry for saying it like this, but the worst "hair metal" (I hate that term ) guitarist is at least eleven times better a technician than Cobain could ever dream to be.
But you're talking about the downfall of MTV, and nobody else fucking cares about that.
It is not just MTV. Ironically most young "metalheads" I see today who listen to the likes of Marilyn Manson, Cradle of Filth, and 'extreme metal' in general tend to fall into the camp of nihilistic, wrist slitting, emos.

I'm sure not all metal today has this 'vibe' (I myself wouldn't know because I listen mainly to metal from the 80s/early 90s and before - like Iron Maiden, Priest, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Megadeth, Dokken, Ratt, Metallica, Pantera, Cinderella, Skid Row, Aerosmith and others).

Metal may have always had something of an "outcast" chic, but in the past metal was associated with more of an outlaw, rebel aesthetic.

While today it's idea of "rebellion" has been watered down into the same camp as the typical emo/goth/social outcast subcultures; something for a bunch of nihilistic, suburban, virginal, millenials to "identify" with in high school just for the sake of negative attention.

Any idea why this is? My only thoughts are that it dates back to the "grunge" shit of the 90s and the entire "alternative rock" schtick which followed, which likely had a big influence on metal as well. The lyrics in a lot of extreme metal are of the same garden variety content as the grunge/pop punk schmaltz too - except we just have some guy screaming or growling about how much he hates himself because his girlfriend dumped him instead of singing about it in a high pitched nasally voice. Heavy metal from the 80's dressed like queens sure - most people in the 80's dressed gay as fuck. That said, 80's metal bands were the epitome of Alpha Male. Not giving a fuck, making tons of money, partying and doing whatever they wanted, and fucking tons of girls all the time. I'm not sure if we'll ever see a time for metal like we saw in the 80's/early 90s.
But you're talking about the downfall of MTV, and nobody else fucking cares about that.
In 80's/early 90's metal was as bigger than any other type of popular mainstream music, like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince, radio bullshit, etc. Its hard for people to comprehend that, if you didn't grow up in it. I graduated high school in 1993. I am comparing this to when Ozzy, Metallica, Alice Cooper, Megadeth, Judas Priest, AC/DC, Motley Crue, Bon Jovi, Poison, Slaughter etc were bigger in the 80's/early 90's than most mainstream musical acts today. That was really the heyday of metal. Lita Ford was bigger than most pop groups you hear today.
The "spirit"/purpose/intent of any form of music is merely a spook. The intangible cannot have intent, and the intents of man are not objective.
How could a hair metal fan hate grunge so much when they were both about as mainstream a gimmick and short-lived a genre as each other? Are you just mad because "Cherry Pie" got played less on MTV?
Grunge turned the 90s into a musical wasteland. Music was great before Nirvana came along. I remember going to a party in February 1993 and they are playing " smells like teen spirit" on fucking repeat. It was fucking overplayed to death. You couldn't fucking escape it. Grunge music fucking ruined Rock and Metal as far as i am concerned.
I think you're only looking at your own little world and trying to apply it to the entire world.

No one else knows what your life was like back then but I can tell you life in Australia wasn't all grunge music through the 80's and 90's. We had a huge metal local scene, heavy metal, hard rock, thrash, speed, death, you name it we had clubs and venues in Melbourne and Sydney (maybe others as well) supporting metal, grunge, cock rock, the whole works. One didn't kill the other, one wasn't over populated, if you didn't like one you went out and found the one you did like.

We didn't have MTV, a Bay Area or a Seattle, but we had music and it was easy to get your fix of whatever kind you wanted, you could even spend a different night of the week listening to a different style of music if that was your choice.
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Grunge turned the 90s into a musical wasteland. Music was great before Nirvana came along. I remember going to a party in February 1993 and they are playing " smells like teen spirit" on fucking repeat. It was fucking overplayed to death. You couldn't fucking escape it. Grunge music fucking ruined Rock and Metal as far as i am concerned.
