Conspicuously Absent
Linguistically Confused
what about somebody who comes home from work and changes into pajama pants (or cargo pants if there are people around) and a t-shirt with a monkey on it like me. 

cthulufhtagn said:my friends call me Metal Matt...i thought it was funny in a way for a while, now i just feel like nobody takes me seriously. oh well, i should never be taken seriously anyway.
so tell me why do you have to be a complete fuckwad 85% of the time on this forumman as robot said:
true, it's a much bigger achievement to not have had your spirit and individuality crushed by the weight of society when you're 30dorian gray said:i second this. doing whatever you feel like and saying "fuck you" to society when youre 20 is alot different than doing it when youre 30.
hahahaha burrrrrn!Erik said:true, it's a much bigger achievement to not have had your spirit and individuality crushed by the weight of society when you're 30
sorry to hear you failed, if it's any comfort 99% of everyone is a failure like you
Erik said:true, it's a much bigger achievement to not have had your spirit and individuality crushed by the weight of society when you're 30
sorry to hear you failed, if it's any comfort 99% of everyone is a failure like you
Erik said:bla bla bla
it's not about that, it's about having general principles and sticking to your fucking guns despite how uncomfortable it might be
Erik said:oh that's jolly good then, i'll just stick to assuming that it means fuck all in the context of this conversation.