I Hate Valentine's Day

apparently, this is THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY FUCKING EVER EVER EVER EVER for my gf. she typically texts/calls me 1000 times a day while i'm at work. I always have stuff on craigslist, so typically answer calls from unknown numbers - but she works as a sales rep and when she calls from work it's a randomass number. It is extremely frustrating to have to answer calls when both your arms are entangled in an engine (i work on cars). But for V-Day, she didn't make contact at all.

I had pissed her off real good the night before and assumed that she was just fucking pissed, obviously i wasn't gonna call and just get an earful of SHIT, so after work i went home, checked my sitez, and ate some foodz. She sent a negative message via Facebook. Other shit happened and she eventually came over fucking crying and shit like A BABY, and then dragged me to the bar so i could buy her drinks. She enjoys every fucking bar in this town that is full of fucking bros, people i knew from highschool/past lives, and absolutely no atmosphere. I spent goddamn $40 on beer and Krystals ( http://www.krystal.com/ ).

Went to her place had awkward sex, then ended up driving her car to my house because she was snoring so fucking loud. I had to get up at 9am to do some tracking on a guy's album till 3pm. I got home at like 6am, couldn't sleep at all and i haven't had time to take a fucking nap. Now I have to go run through some songs for a rockabilly gig at 9pm tonight. i'm fucking tired as shit.

she still doesn't understand why i don't want a girlfriend.
lol at i35. The few visits I make to Austin, I ALWAYS make the mistake of arriving around 5PM.

Yup sure is, and i get off work at 5. :erk:

Every holiday is just a corporate materialistic money grab now, even the lesser ones. PRESIDENTS DAY SALE!!! what?
People who actually care about and make a big deal about Valentines Day (hating or loving it) are either lonely, miserable, self-loathing sobs or overly romantic, gushy, and annoying (or whipped by someone who is).

Honestly, I'm inclined to agree - I've never once cared in the slightest about V-day one way or the other; I always find the endless amount of mopy/bitter Facebook status updates baffling/hilarious
Honestly, I'm inclined to agree - I've never once cared in the slightest about V-day one way or the other; I always find the endless amount of mopy/bitter Facebook status updates baffling/hilarious

I didn't mean for my thing to sound bitter or angry but it really just reminds me of 420 - to any real stoner, April 20th is just another day in the week. In a healthy, adult relationship, February 14th should just be a day to be a couple. Maybe small gifts or something because it's festive, but the people who make a big deal of it probably aren't feeling very secure about their relationship in the first place if they need to reaffirm it with rose pedal covered sheets and the lot.
My wife took me to a hospital so they could start injecting steroids next to my spine. Then we went home and I slept all day due to the lidocaine temporally removing my pain.

True love.
I am soooo glad that it's not that popular in Germany...me and my girl just dislike it, it's getting a bit more popular
due to the media, but at least there are still some people who have no clue that feb 14th is valentine's day :D