"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Hmm...not really the right place to post it, but with a lack of a 'Leaving <- Is this you' topic, its the closest place...
Anyway, I'm taking some time out from regular posting, and even lurking...so, to all my numerous friends here, I bid a fond adieu for the moment. Keep it real guys, for the most part its been a blast :D
i follow the "leaving" subthread - i have discovered this afternoon that i will have to start working next *monday* instead of next *year* (quite a bit of difference if you ask me) so i have to move 650 kms away and arrange something remotely resembling a life in something like two days and a half. i'll probably be a little bu(sy) and therefore i won't have time to post until i'm settled properly, possibly next week if work does not kill me instantly.

> so i have to move 650 kms away and arrange something remotely resembling a life in something like two days and a half.

omg. life to warp speed, Mr. Zulu

good luck, hyena.
@hyena: Good luck on your move; come back soon.

@Dark_Jester: Hope you come back soon. Good luck; I'll miss you.
@hyena: i'm sure you'll make it no problem since they provide almost everything and... oh my god! i jumped in to defend my beloved friend again! :eek:

rahvin. (waiting for others to leave)
welcome back to some and adieu to the departed: you won't stand against the urge to post very long :)