"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Nice to meet you all again, people.

@Rahvin: sure, no problem, and my apologies for having forgotten about that thread :p...
btw, congrats for your upgrade as forum moderator ;)...

eh, I've been feeling somewhat nostalgic while striding the net, so I made a little detour to say hi to everyone here.

What have I missed ? Are all the old timers still roaming these tranquil corridors ? Rahvin I saw your name, Final_Vision too (hope it's going better than last winter mate), but FatherVic, |ngenious, Melancholia, llamaura, Astarte, ~Zeanra (to whom I spoke twice only, but seemed a nice lass anyway), and all the others...

Hmmm I feel the urge to tell much about those last few months, but I guess I'll leave it for a more "official" discussion later on.

Hope you all have fun, see you soon on the boards.

Blue Moon.
nice to see ya, blue moon. ;)
|ngenius and zeanra are still here watching and, once in a while, posting. fathervic and melancholia appear more rarely (and, funny if you think about it, almost always at the same time), while astarte and llamaura are not known to post on this board since quite some time. ;)
hope you'll check back soon and make new acquaintances.

fathervic and melancholia appear more rarely (and, funny if you think about it, almost always at the same time)

yep it's funny how this has been happening for the last emmmm....9 months??? but I think melancholia posts more than I do here....the fact is that I totally lost contact with the board, just from time to time (very rarely actually) I come here....
oh, and it's also funny the predicting skills of the official troll of the board :p

fathervic (predictable)
@melancholia, @fathervic: now here comes the moment when i look at the both of you with a knowing smile and you snigger softly, winking at me. of course i don't really know a thing and i'm just hiding my ignorance, but it's worked pretty well so far. :D

ignorance is bu.

i am totally surprised by the fact that on monday my office in university will be assigned to two new ph d students, thus resulting in me being homeless until i go back to rome. i feel slightly insulted, but i will manage not to kill anyone for the time being. this is *ridiculous*.
