"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

rahvin said:
welcome back witch. glad you're rising, like the moon, the sun, the stars. or a zombie. :p
You're always so sweet, honey :blush:

@everyone: thanks for your wb :)
@hyena: never thought that time can change your behaviour. Don't be worried about that :) oh, sorry, i forgot that u're never worried :Saint:

Sunjammer said:
@MagSec: Pardonnez moi, sir. Since I didn't see my nick in your post I assumed you were talking to someone else. Thanks for welcoming me back. We good now or what? :)
mm.. I don't know. Perhaps a sacrificial offering of some sort will appease the deepened hatred and bitter contempt you've raise between us with your lack of judgement and foolishness!

..oh what the hell! c'mon I'll buy you lunch : D
Shall we say.. Pizza hut?
@Ormir: Welcome back, man. :)

@MagSec: Pizza Hut is fine by me. I'll take you up on this offer next time I'm in NY. :cool: :grin:

@Villain: Welcome back to the board /game/, man. ;)
@magsec: :lol: you should team up with northern lights and begin a contest for the funniest racial slur you can think of. :lol:

happy new year, too.
Qué pena, loco. Pero fresco, ya pasó. Todavía tenemos muchos años por vivir y habran oportunidades amplias para mejorar nuestra suerte.
Ahora estoy tomándome unos traguitos de Aguardiente, lo que se toma en mi país. Con permiso me bajaré otra por ambos y por este año que sigue.
kiddies, i'm not returning, but i'm leaving for a few days.
my exam is on the 27th. time for me to shut everything else off and hope for the best.