I hope you all know you are going to rot in hell

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There is no proof that God exists, that's why your argument is fucking retarded.

"Your lord and saviour will save you!"

Shut the hell up, you can conform to organized religion all you want, just don't force your stupid beliefs on others.

if they keep their lunacy to themselves they might never say out loud the nonsense they believe and realize what fuckin nonsense it is. I'd love for more Christians to defend their belief in God, since none of them can. Preferably they'd begin by debating with the various sects of their own people, and at least agree on what their religion does say, because if Christians can't even convince believers about what a christian is supposed to believe, how can they expect to get anywhere with people who have brains...
And Glen Benton apparently. Which then includes every Satanist like him (not LaVeyen Satanism, obviously).

"He claimed that bad things would happen to him if he forgot to wear his cross. "I burnt the fucker in my forehead so I'll always have it on me, and I can never be touched by the Righteous One. By penetrating my soul, I'm protected forever." - Wikipedia

:lol: what a fag.

as for LaVey, sounds like he should have called his shit Dioynsism or something, or just stuck with Hedonism or what have you (But I guess he sold more copies by playing on the 'satan' word lol).
"He claimed that bad things would happen to him if he forgot to wear his cross. "I burnt the fucker in my forehead so I'll always have it on me, and I can never be touched by the Righteous One. By penetrating my soul, I'm protected forever." - Wikipedia

:lol: what a fag.

as for LaVey, sounds like he should have called his shit Dioynsism or something, or just stuck with Hedonism or what have you (But I guess he sold more copies by playing on the 'satan' word lol).

Benton was going to kill himself at 33 to live a life opposite to Jesus... He has problems.

He also used to claim his recordings were not double-tracked and the other voices just appeared there.
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