I love death metal

All Deicide up to and including Once Upon The Cross are good. My favorite is Legion, but Deicide is more straightforward.
Decrapitated is like the best example of death metal made in the studio. They throw like 50 riffs into a song, then copy/paste them together. It's not coherent, which makes it boring!
are these bands worth investigating:


If you like Gorguts first two albums you'll probably enjoy Atrocity. I'm pretty sure Todessehnsucht was re-relased recently. I've only heard Brutality Screams Of Anguish and it's an underrated technical death metal classic. Seance is excellent and they have a new album coming out next year.
The debut from Seance Fornever Laid To Rest is amazing. Saltrubbed Eyes is also very good.

I believe it has already been said, but the first two Atrocity albums are good.

The debut from Brutality was quite good, as well.

I've not heard enough of Abramelin to comment on them.

If you're only going to go with one of them for now, pick up the Seance albums first.
thanks for the info, ill probably grab some atrocity and seance, along with incantation with christmas gift cards and stuff. cheers.
Has anyone heard the new Seance album? I just found out today that they reformed. Sadly, yet expectedly, Jensen is not in the lineup. Their two previous albums are favorites of mine. Needless to say, I was quite excited by the news.

I'm torn on the material they have on their myspace. At first it bothered me but is growing on me as I listen. I think I just had to come to grips with the fact that it could never be a true follow-up to Saltrubbed Eyes all these years (and one missing cog) later.
I fucking love that no one ever replies to my posts on here. Maybe I should get the hint already, eh?!? Heh.

I'm listening to the new Seance and I think it is decent on first listen. It might help that I am close to drunk, but there are definitely some classic Seance-esque moments.