I love death metal

what is slam death metal? sounds like death metal mixed with hip hop. SLAM-duhduhduh-duhduhduh, LET THE BOYS BE BOYS!

been listening to nocturnus, immolation, and entombed.

best immo - CtaWB and Failures for Gods. Dawn of Possession seems too one dimensional, but it's good for a debut.

Like an Everflowing Stream>Entombed
Dawn of Possession is an excellent album, especially if you consider it was a debut. It's what...16 years old now or so? It still stands up to and, in many cases, surpases what bands are doing today. You simply can't go wrong with Immolation.

I think I am going to listen to some Dismember now.
Dawn of Possession is easily Immolations best album; that basically just means that Immolation is fucking immense, because their other albums rule.
what is slam death metal? sounds like death metal mixed with hip hop. SLAM-duhduhduh-duhduhduh, LET THE BOYS BE BOYS!

You're not far off, to be honest - the riffage usually consists of rhythmic chugging with the occasional pinch harmonic thrown in, the vocals are usually super-guttural, and the focus of the music is pretty much on ultra-tight drumming - melody isn't the driving force, rhythm and groove is. Check out Cephalotripsy on MySpace, they're pretty much the archetypal slam death metal band. Devourment are a good example too.

Re: Immolation - am I the only one that thinks Close To A World Below is their best? Not that they've ever released a bad album, of course.
All of that br00tal/slam shit sounds the same to me. I seriously can't tell one song from the next, it's all chugging on half-step eighth notes like if someone strung-out a Suffocation breakdown for 2 straight minutes.

Yeah, despite really liking the style, I can definitely understand that argument against it - it's probably the most generic, progression-and-innovation-free subsection of a genre already plagued by such characteristics - but when I'm in the mood for a pummelling of the most Neanderthal sort, it's ideal.
what's everyone's opinion of death metal behemoth? i remember liking satanica and thelema 6, but didnt think too highly of ZKC, and never went any further.
so does anyone care about the new bloodbath?

Listening to it now, and I'd be lying if I say I wasn't disappointed. Bring back Tägtgren and Swano, this is a bunch of mid-paced monotony that is devoid of groove. Aside from Iesous very little variety to be found here, everything sounds so similar.
