I love death metal

what does everyone think of akercocke? personlly, i love choronzon, words tht go unspoken and antichrist

i need some dismember
LOL ... rare Autopsy rehearsal complete with Chris Reifert's (drums) baby hanging out in the background

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say what you will about amon amarth, but once sent... and the avenger are stellar death metal. my two faves from them.
Vörnagar The Bleeding Holocaust is pretty solid melodic death. Though the lyrics are laughable (a bunch of Mexican kids from San Jose praising Odin)

Fans of Nile would eat this up.
those three are great. definitely their best. the crusher and fate of norns are forgettable.

The Chasm is a band more people should discuss. This is pure Heavy Metal of Death
say what you will about amon amarth, but once sent... and the avenger are stellar death metal. my two faves from them.
all Amon Amarth is good

Vörnagar The Bleeding Holocaust is pretty solid melodic death. Though the lyrics are laughable (a bunch of Mexican kids from San Jose praising Odin)

Fans of Nile would eat this up.
The Chasm is a band more people should discuss. This is pure Heavy Metal of Death

Thank you!

Not only is it ripping fucking awesome, it's also extremely well crafted as far as actual songs go, and they know how to write albums that makes sense as a whole, not just random collections of songs.
I listened to Deathcult for Eternity for the first time in a while today, and as usual, it blew my mind.

Been listening to an arseload of Incantation lately. Only Golgotha and Diabolical Conquest, and by Jesus is Conquest tearing me a new one.
Effigy and Pierced are good, I rarely go back and listen to them though.

Morpheus Descends - Ritual of Infinity is much better; much less technical though.
Suffocation's Effigy and Pierced are landmark death metal realeases, though with so much death metal pushing the boundaries nowadays I rarely go back and listen to them. Knowing your tastes though, i'm not so sure you'd like them.

Btw, now that you guys are on the death metal subject, has anyone listened to both Appalling Spawn's albums?
i just remember suffo being blastblast blast garble garble. not bad at it, but i like variety.

i remember liking immolations close to a world below. i never did hear dawn of possession.

ill look into morpheus descends. cheers.