I love Misanthrope


May 2, 2001
.. from grey to black
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You seem like a very lost and confused person, full of tendencies toward hatred and violence, and I couldn't possibly dislike you for that reason, my overwhelming compassion for you as a human being completely overshadows anything I feel for you personally, and now, oddly enough, I feel even more love and compassion for you than I did before because now I see how truly unhappy and hate-filled you really are....keep those violent tendencies under wraps, and keep your nose clean, until you can find some sense of compassion and brotherhood in your life that's the best advice I can offer.

take care buddy, and best of luck,


PS: ;)
I really shouldn't write this, but I feel that your
words Satori, are written to make yourself look good...
You two are having some arguements and you're
trying to look good.... I don't say this to be mean,
it just looks that way... Hehe....

"my overwhelming compassion for you as a human being
completely overshadows anything I feel for you personally"

Ehm.... I don't see how you can love someone as a
human-being and not love the personality.
It's the personality that makes a person!?
The way he acts/thinks.... The way he is towards me,
and the thoughts that he shares with me makes me
love him, not that he is a human being? You make him
sound like he is some sort of stupid monkey or
whatever, that you can just play with... Hehe....
Oh well....
Go ahead; kill me with your words :eek:)

Edit: Just forgot a word in there,
and decided to put it where it belonged >:eek:P
I took Satori's comments as...well, the way he always is! Just like he said, he loves people. He's overwhelmingly (compared to myself) compassionate to all life. But, who am I to say.

Although, I never noticed the arguments between the two, as Blackspirit mentioned, coming from Satori...they seemed to come directly from Misanthrope directed to Satori. Whereas Satori, as always, seems to try to calm most peoples "flame" with him...rather successfully IMO. I very well could have missed a thread or some comments you may be referring to though.

"I was foul and tainted, devoid of faith.
Wearing my death-mask at birth."
I too, "knowing" Satori from May (as opposed to Misanthrope entering this Opethian world in October), have come to know his approach in responding to people.

You must take his comments with a grain of salt, pull out the wisdom within his comments, and side-step the satire if it bothers you. If he's "picking" a fight, he sure does it indirectly.

And the biggest point about this whole forum - we have never met (or at least most of us), we only judge people on the words they type. Remember that - even though you've seen pictures of people in the picture thread, none of us "know" each other as well as you might think. I know you from your responses to particular inquiries, but until you meet a person, and interact over time, one can not truely know another.

I, as I hope most of you are, am cautious with my internet activity. I will admit this forum is as close to "real" friendship as you can get without real interaction, but there will always be a pessimistic part of me that will doubt my interpretations of each of you through my readings in this forum.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
I know you from your responses to particular inquiries, but until you meet a person, and interact over time, one can not truely know another.

IMO, this is getting to know people, I doesn't matter whether you do it over the internet or in person, there is no difference. At least over the internet you can only judge (realistically) by what they write, not nething else....
Originally posted by godisanathiest

IMO, this is getting to know people, I doesn't matter whether you do it over the internet or in person, there is no difference. At least over the internet you can only judge (realistically) by what they write, not nething else....

Yeah - but how can you "trust" what you read? When you are face-to-face with someone, you at least have a chance to see them, read facial expressions, and get an idea of the real person. Here, it's words. A book. Fact or fiction? - you don't really know.
Originally posted by Blackspirit
I really shouldn't write this, but I feel that your
words Satori, are written to make yourself look good...
You two are having some arguements and you're
trying to look good.... I don't say this to be mean,
it just looks that way... Hehe....

Actually, my intent is not to "look good", it's to have sarcastic fun with my fellow humans, and the fact that I am completely honest with how I feel in the process doesn't hamper that fact in the least:)

Don't worry about seeming "mean"! Even if you intended to be mean (which I'm sure you're not since you seem like such a complete sweety) then I still wouldn't take you seriously and I would probably just blame it on the fact that you are having a bad day or something and I could never actually take offense to anything you would say, I don't think like that and I haven't for quite a long time.
To me, when people are mean to each other and making idle threats of senesless voilence like my new best friend Misanthrope, it's just a symptom of some underlying problem (as this wasn't painfully evident to everyone already). How could I take offense at such a thing? I can't. I feel too much sympathy for others for such nonsense. But I'm not above poking fun and condescending however, muwhahhah:), but it's all in good clean fun of course.

"my overwhelming compassion for you as a human being completely overshadows anything I feel for you personally"

Exactly, this is exactly how I feel, and sometimes when I read stuff like this that I wrote in absolute sincerity it gives me such a warm feeling, I even got tingles from reading this this morning because I mean it sooo much. I wasn't always so able to turn the other cheek but now it seems I can't do anything but that. For example, as I have said before lots of times, I even feel sorry for those poor muslim afgans taliban idiots who are causing so much trouble in the world right now, as I see it, they are just very dumb and misguided and really don't know any better than a dog who shits on the carpet, if you'll pardon the visual, hehehheh. So you see, if I can find good reason to have compassion for people insane enough to be suicide bombers or whatever, then our young friend's childish threats of tracking me down and beating/shooting me (since he would not waste his "guitar hand" on the likes of me, hahaah :lol:) are nothing I can't chuckle at and it doesn't make me angry or anything, it just makes me feel sorry for him (if he is indeed serious about such nonsense, something that's hard to discern since he claims to be "joking" whenever he says something too silly to take seriously, ie. "I'm going to beat you up if I see you at a forum get-together", heheh how mateur! :) ). How could I take such innane nonsense seriously? I simply can't, I'm not 10 years old and this isn't recess in the schoolyard, it's just too ridiculous! heheh

Ehm.... I don't see how you can love someone as a
human-being and not love the personality.
It's the personality that makes a person!?

I can, and do, and it requires no effort on my part at all, it's just the way I am. The reason I am like this is because I don't have this huge wall that separates me from others and ultimately, when I look into the eyes of another person I see myself staring back and it's a feeling I can't shake, even if I wanted to. We are all the same species, we all share so much in common, we are composed of the same organic matter, we all have similar hopes and aspirations, we all share this little planet. I feel completely connected to everyone and everything and I see no reason why I should hide this fact, I'm not ashamed of it, I'm not too "manly" or "metal" to admit when I love and care about someone, and I have the balls to be totally honest with what I think, as I have been here. It's a shame so many people here feel the need to put on some lame facade of being "cool", something I equate with being a confused and insecure teenager.

The way he acts/thinks.... The way he is towards me, and the thoughts that he shares with me makes me
love him, not that he is a human being?

Then this is how you and I are different, and that's cool, it's our differences that make our species so interesting and varied. But I have to ask, would you still love him if he was making childish violent threats toward you? What about if he was making childish remarks about you being fat or geeky or ugly or whatever..? Could you look past his scary tough guy facade and love him simply because he is a person and for no other reason? I'm curious how you think about this because you have always seemed so damn sweet and kind.

You make him sound like he is some sort of stupid monkey or whatever, that you can just play with... Hehe....

hehe, yes, I certainly do! :) But it's all in good humour. I've had a lot of fun at his expense, and I'll probably have much more, but I think he is grown up enough to handle it, even though his demeanor and way of dealing with conflict doesn't indicate this. I was nicer to him that perhaps I would've been because I thought he was only 14 years old or whatever, but he is 20, I think he can handle a little of what he puts out! hehe I think he is much smarter and much more mateur than he lets on with his hateful/violent blather. In all seriousness, if I thought he couldn't handle what I write then I wouldn't have the heart to have such fun with him as I have, I care too much about him for that. I can honestly say the same about every person on this planet too.

Oh well....
Go ahead; kill me with your words :eek:)

Thanks for the offer, but why would I mock and condescend you? You are a sweety, I'm not the only one who thinks that either, and I have nothing but respect and admiration for you (and the fact that you are damn sexy doesn't hurt either, heheh:))

take care,

Originally posted by Satori
Then this is how you and I are different, and that's cool, it's our differences that make our species so interesting and varied. But I have to ask, would you still love him if he was making childish violent threats toward you? What about if he was making childish remarks about you being fat or geeky or ugly or whatever..? Could you look past his scary tough guy facade and love him simply because he is a person and for no other reason? I'm curious how you think about this because you have always seemed so damn sweet and kind.

You know we agreed on this in some other thread once.... We differ on this point -->
while you picture a person being a total retard, and lost forever, because that person is
religious or acts in a stupid way, I think that the person also has another side, and that
somehow there is a way to get it out.... There are many sides to a person...

If someone I don’t know just acts of total evil, I will never LOVE that person,
not if I don’t got the chance to speak to him/her and ask why. To try to understand,
to try to feel what this person has been through since he/she has to do such weird things.
But I will never love that person just for being a person…

I don’t walk around loving everyone I see, I don’t hate them either…
I just don’t care about them until we meet in some way… Like bonding.
If someone drops something on the street I will stop the person and let him/her know,
but if there’s nothing happening I don’t care about the person…. Does this make me weird?
Or are you the weird one loving us all for being fellow human-beings? I can’t get around that…
I think it’s beautiful, but it might be too big for my little brain…. I don’t see a point in it really....
Oh, and don't start thinking I'm writing this to state that one of us is weird, it's just playing
with words to get to a point... I have to play it safe so no-one flips out here! >:eek:)

Don't worry about seeming "mean"! Even if you intended to be mean (which I'm sure you're not since you seem like such a complete sweety) then I still wouldn't take you seriously and I would probably just blame it on the fact that you are having a bad day or something and I could never actually take offense to anything you would say, I don't think like that and I haven't for quite a long time.

Does nothing affect you negatively. You never feel anger/sadness towards someone?
Do you just love? Whenever someone are angry with you do you just push it away saying
the person has a bad day and tomorrow it will be gone?! Do you never consider that what
the other person is feeling is real? It’s just as real as your love :eek:) Instead of
going for what you think is “nothing”, you should hear this person out. Of course
this shouldn’t affect the way you are if someone tells you you say only stupid things and
should shut up, you don’t stop speaking your mind, but maybe start thinking about
what’s behind the “complaint”… No, this is not for Misanthrope, this is in any situation :eek:)

Okay, this all made sense in my head, but on the screen I’m not so sure anymore! Hehehe… >:eek:)
Oh, and by the way; your replay was great :eek:) Luv it :eek:)

Now, did this make me less or more sweet and kind?! >:eek:P
BlackSpirit makes a good point, how can you go around loving everyone? im 100% shure that you have something to release your frustration and shure hope so because otherwise you could end up like Ned Flanders going postal and shit.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
BlackSpirit makes a good point, how can you go around loving everyone? im 100% shure that you have something to release your frustration and shure hope so because otherwise you could end up like Ned Flanders going postal and shit.

I don't have much frustration nowadays and loving everyone and everything isn't difficult when you lose yourself in the moment...

Good luck there Satori.. last time I tried to tell Misanthrope that I like him (not that I love him.. I just used to like his way of thinking..), there'd been a huge misunderstanding :) But I know he doesn't hate me as much as he seems.. and I still like him.. he's just over-reacting now and then..
I release my frustration by screaming and growling at the top of my lungs. I'm not sure if I'm any good at it, but it feels really good to channel all that anger and just yell. I'm sure I would have went insane and killed everyone if I didn't. Hehe.
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Does nothing affect you negatively. You never feel anger/sadness towards someone?
Do you just love?

He's a hippie, remember? :)

(nothing wrong in being one...)