i mean really, as if i wasn't power metal enough


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
in the process of getting rid of shit for when he moves, Byron gave me the sword that used to hang on his wall. now that i have my sword, i am ready to become a mighty warrior of metal.

so all y'all better watch out.
lizard said:
I have a sword, a replica 1300 english war hammer, and my collection of bayonets. although I am not particularly violent, there is a tiny part of me that hopes some burglar will one day try climbing in my window.
Ha! I have a nice knife collection and sometimes entertain the same exact thoughts!
Greg, pics of the Metal God plz.
xfer: byron is staying in moving to a tiny studio

azal: your posts never cease to amaze me

minx: i actually only have one sword now. my parents got me a cool knife when we were on a trip a long time agao but i can't remember where it is.