i mean really, as if i wasn't power metal enough

scene: Greg gets a girl back to his apartment.
Greg: Want to see my sword?
Girl: *panting* Yeah baby.
Greg *gets byron's old sword down from the wall*
greg if some chick gives you funny looks you can just be like "if another man besmirches your honor, milady, i shall challenge him to...a mighty du-el!!" then whip your sword around nobly.
Oo, I have two ninja swords, a wooden training sword, and a big sword that a friend made for me. It looks like a knight sword.

And I always wanted someone to try and burgler me, but instead these idiots were going around in my small town taking christmas decorations out of yard and so I got to chase them with my sword. They ran like the devil himself.
I have a sword myself, it just hangs on the wall, though occasionally, I'll hack at a tree, one of these days, I'm gonna get real pissed off and cut it down.

By the way... read to the end of the comic.
i seriously considered calling greg at like 3 am to talk about this but then i realized he needed his beauty sleep.

kitty, don't encourage it. seriously. are you that cruel?
it may not be a bad thing greg. if kitty gives up trying to knit her way into alex's heart maybe she'll make you a sword cozy?