I need a new food product to become addicted to.

You and I eat meat all the time, and you KNOW it isn't. Ok, it is, it makes your organs and tissues regenerate faster, but still... BILARRRR!
haha, BILARRRRR seconded!
NicodemiX said:
I want some Bilars but certain people haven't shared with me yet.

I was more or less referring to a person on another board who imports Bilars en masse for personal consumption, and shares with other people on that board, but hasn't sent me any yet :p. But Wigrid + Bilars for Slayer DVD = CCCSSOCCREEEE
NicodemiX said:
I want some Bilars but certain people haven't shared with me yet.
You mean me? I can go to Ikealand and get them for you if you want.

That'll trick my guardians to believe I am eating. Yes....
I say Tzatziki. If you make it with low or no fat yogurt it is like the best healthfood ever; garlic, yogurt, cucumbers. and it is versatile, you can eat it plain, or put it on anything.
Never heard of Tzatziki, what is it? Or is it just garlic, yogurt, and cucumber? (that sounds good by the way)

I love that dept. of redundancy dept. joke, I just heard it for the first time a week ago.

Nicosveld, please to be selling Bilar via Ancient Wind so I may get some, and set up paypal god dammit kthxbye.
Red. Fucking. Meat.


Big bossman gives the office workers a box of some of the finest steaks in the country if you hang around until 5pm the day before the Christmas holiday. I actually left at noon today but someone called me back in at 2pm, I had forgotten about this annual treat. :Spin:
By the way... you can get bags of Bilar at Ikea now... I picked myself up some swedish cheese and a couple bags the other day. Ikea food imports > furnature
You would think that after 4 consecutive years of getting steaks right before Christmas I would've remembered. :loco:

I had no idea Ikea had food, that rocks. How did NC say it again, "Swedish cars SWEDISH CARS! BILAR!" I'll yell that when I go to Ikea.