I need a new food product to become addicted to.

I miss the ace selection of chip flavours in the U.K.

Also... you claim to not like greasy fried food, so you're clearly GAY AND (or?) LYING!

^ :kickass:

I LOOOOVE greasy food, it's just that I don't eat it because it usually makes my stomach feel shitty. That week you were here was probably the most unhealthy I've eaten for a few years.
Those of you that have been shopping there ... reco me some goodies that I can get addicted to as well.
We do almost all our grocery shopping there, although there's a Clark's health food store nearby that might receive us as patrons more often than not.

So, try everything. Twice. The tater perogis, cheese tamales, and roasted bell pepper soup-in-a-box are regular consumptions I enjoy constantly.

real food >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cartoon food
so i love TJ's do far but I have one problem with them. So far there were a few things I bought and ended up really liking that were never in stock on subsequent visits.
Is this common at all stores?
okay good idea i bet they're delicious when you grow them in a tiny flower pot on a windowsill

Hanging baskets work well too.

So far there were a few things I bought and ended up really liking that were never in stock on subsequent visits.
Is this common at all stores?

Pretty much anything maren really fucking likes... will suddenly stop being sold a few weeks after she starts buying it. Its fucking scarily true, her parents joke about it all the time.

Chocolate waffles, a few kinds of cereal, 1 litre milk jugs of buttermilk, etc.
is it just me or do people that shop at Trader Joe's or other so called health food store not look healthy? they are like lethargic zombies.

fat housewives at Stop'n Shop seem to have more energy and blood pumping through their veins. or maybe they just finished a bar of hersheys???
is it just me or do people that shop at Trader Joe's or other so called health food store not look healthy? they are like lethargic zombies.
vegetarians and vegans always look grey and sickly, you need some steak in your diet or you become anemic and randomly pass out.
dude ... going to munch on some chicken liver sauteed with onions.
hope the fucker wasn't a drinker.