I need a new food product to become addicted to.

Oh man Chai lattes rule, I'm almost out of the mix so I need to hit Trader Joe's soon. Been drinking those for about 7 years now. Sooooooooooooo good.

I don't think I need to readdict myself to booze, I'm trying to cut that one down. :loco:

Just had a Trader Joe's open up near my home ... freaking 3rd time there tonight in less than a week ...

Those of you that have been shopping there ... reco me some goodies that I can get addicted to as well.

The Joe Joe's that you reco'd Nad in another thread are lining my belly as I type this.

i had some kettle chips earlier (salt and vinegar FTW) but left the bag out while i was fishing; a few minutes later it was crawling with ants :(:(:(