I need a new food product to become addicted to.

Been eating massive amounts of zero fat Greek yogurt with home made granola. Does the body good! It's amazing how good that stuff tastes for having no dairy fat... And I NEVER buy low fat stuff.
Fage fuckin' rules fage.
yogurt sucks
Holy living fuck why is this post so funny hahahaha I can't sotp lauvhasidgn ghashgask.

So brief. So matter of fact.

"yogurt sucks"

It rules because yogurt read that post and felt really bad about its own existence and station in life.
dudes, what yogurt brands?
I wanna try that shit
I say get whatever brand you find. I like Horizon and Mountain High, and this one kind at the health food store that I always forget the name of but the pictures are nice. I generally prefer sweet but plain works good for certain things as well. 50 herbs + plain yogurt = awesome saucin'

There's also Yoplait. Apparently if you eat too much of that you turn into a skinny and self-confident 24 year old hot white chick (or half-black chick with "safe" urban curls) who doesn't wear pants and always stares thoughtfully into the fridge. But I still enjoy the cherry kind and occasionally vanilla.
Fun Fact: This is THE best mustard in the history of the world.

i buy that brand a lot (I HAVE to as it is Polish) but never seen the beer one. is there actual beer in it?

BTW ... Polish beer kicks all sorts of ass. I have yet to have a bad one.
It's 45% amber lager, son. First ingredient. :)

Is your wife Polish? Go to the Krakow Deli much? ;)

I havent had it in about 6 years because it mysteriously disappeared. Been looking for it ever since and BAM! I found it the other day again at a local supermarket. CSORE! You NEED to try this shit bro. SRSLY. It's THAT good. You can get it on Amazon.