I need a new food product to become addicted to.

it's like when someone posted some bullshit facebook copypasta yesterday about how mcdonalds chicken nuggets are 100% mechanically separated chicken. are they really this fucking stupid? to anyone who's ever seen a mcnugget, it's PRETTY OBVIOUS that at least they have the texture of actual chicken meat. i don't know how myths like that survive. so while i know mcd and co have a lot of suspicious shit in their food, i think you'll forgive me if my impulse is to be very skeptical to all the "OMG DO YOU KNOW WHATS IN UR BURGER" stuff /erik (too lazy to make actual link)

that was your girlfriend wasnt it though :rolleyes:
that was your girlfriend wasnt it though :rolleyes:

lol yeah, i realized it was, we talked about it yesterday

but it's bullshit copypasta whether it's from a girl i like or not

to be fair, apparently it was true that mcd used mechanically separated chicken until 2002 or something