I need a new food product to become addicted to.

Dude, those are goddamn hipsters in every sense of the word. I live in San Francisco. I could write a fuckin PhD dissertation on them. And yes, though 90% are dickheads, they do enjoy laughing at themselves to some degree.

Also, there is no way that ANY show is better written (or shot, or acted, for that matter) than Breaking Bad. I refuse to believe it.
Speaking of hipsters, I've been Craigslisting for a new place, and just came across this gem:

"$600. COZY ROOM IN EDWARDIAN FLAT IN DUBOCE PARK. TV-free, mature, CLEAN, QUIET, SOBER, politically-aware household offers CHOICE of pictured small (14' x 7') "understairs room" with walk-in (3' x 5') closet or medium (10' x 13') "sliding door room" (non-lockable door) in completely re-habbed Edwardian."

:lol: What faggotry this is

The word above truly encapsulates the whirlwind of emotions felt at reading that.
Speaking of hipsters, I've been Craigslisting for a new place, and just came across this gem:

"$600. COZY ROOM IN EDWARDIAN FLAT IN DUBOCE PARK. TV-free, mature, CLEAN, QUIET, SOBER, politically-aware household offers CHOICE of pictured small (14' x 7') "understairs room" with walk-in (3' x 5') closet or medium (10' x 13') "sliding door room" (non-lockable door) in completely re-habbed Edwardian."

:lol: What faggotry this is

let me translate ...

"really fucking small room in really old building. looking for a pure virgin to sacrifice by a Chrisitian household. if you are gay you should live downstairs. if you are a blonde with big knockers we recommend the room with non-locking door."
Jerry ... HOMELAND ... found the pilot online ... will it blow me away or will it make me scratch my head like how the fuck they can write 50 episodes about meth like the Breaking Bad pilot?
I don't get Christian at all from that. I work with a lot of "church every Sunday Christians", they're sinners who have TV (how else do they follow sports?) and don't mind a drink or two. This is straight up "if we didn't have jobs we'd totally be shitting in a pail as we occupy Edward types."
Let me put it like this, if you don't like that Pilot, I'll leave RC forever. That's how fucking acely written that show is. The season finale was like being clowned on by Michael Clarke Duncan, just a complete inner thrashing. Practically like watching a 100mil dollar full featured film that last ep twas. Gets slightly slow during the middle, but it's all the better for it. If you think the last few eps of BB were good, you have yet to see Homeland. Never cared for Claire Danes before, but I'd now lick her vunt after a "light day."

In other news, fucking neighbor kids are blasting cartoon hip hop. WTF!?!??! I'm out.
make a sloppy cut in the cow, and you just sliced its intestines open and squirted literal bullshit all over the product (USDA standards? what?)
this is not usually why e-coli ends up in meat though, it's because cows live in their own filth all day in the feedlots and it gets on their hides, it's not exactly trivial to ensure none of that stuff gets on the meat when you slaughter and skin the animal, especially in such huge facilities

what do you think they do with the dairy cows that are sick or too old to function? after they've been pumped full of drugs, they become your McDonald's/Burger King/Wendy's/Stop and Shop/Big Y/Hannaford's hamburgers. meat from a dairy cow is inferior.
i'm not sure this is true, do you have source

EDIT: it's like when someone posted some bullshit facebook copypasta yesterday about how mcdonalds chicken nuggets are 100% mechanically separated chicken. are they really this fucking stupid? to anyone who's ever seen a mcnugget, it's PRETTY OBVIOUS that at least they have the texture of actual chicken meat. i don't know how myths like that survive. so while i know mcd and co have a lot of suspicious shit in their food, i think you'll forgive me if my impulse is to be very skeptical to all the "OMG DO YOU KNOW WHATS IN UR BURGER" stuff

if you buy a whole chicken or turkey at the grocery store, more often than not you can notice a discoloration on its legs (specifically where the bird would be touching the ground). this discoloration is a chemical burn from sitting in its own fucking waste. some of the shit behind the scenes of our food industry in the USA is just sickening...
yeah i saw food inc. and while i'm sure it focuses on the VERY WORST parts, it's still alarming

and even though sweden has better animal care than the US overall, it's STILL alarming

and erik- if you're having a hard time finding the meat that you want, look up a few farms that raise chicken or beef and take a visit.
yeah i been doing this

i know for instance there is a farm nearby that cannot get organic certification for their beef on some technicality i don't care to understand but i know theirs are nice happy cows that get to walk around eating grass and being generally cow-like all day, so that's good enough for me

i'm gonna grow six or seven varieties this year and this time i'm serious! i'm buying grow lights etc. and starting soon, in february.


"razzamatazz" very handsome purplish/multi-coloured fruits, no idea if they taste as nice as they look, but they are supposedly very good for growing in containers (which is what i'm doing)


"fish pepper" these are fuckin awesome and i love them already before even planting/tasting them
heirloom variety from 19th century america. look at them. look how pretty these peppers are.

some yellow, dried ones from sri lanka that are pretty hot, but i don't know anything else about them except i'm gonna put some of their seeds in da soil and see what comes up
a hot thai variety, also bought dried for eatin, that i'm pretty sure are bird's eye chilis
an early jalapeño variety
hungarian hot waxXx

Dude...... I think I may live (new spot) in the food epicenter of the west coast..... chinatown to my right, north beach to my left (italian), the epic seafood greatness of fishermans wharf a 15 min walk (the only reason to ever go there), 10 min walk to downtown (for fancy schmancy food eating pleasure)...... i'm gonna be profanity-sized in a month
the only thing memorable food wise I had in Cisco is sourdough bread ... you guys know how to make that shit. I can still taste that one slice I had 17 years ago.