I need a new food product to become addicted to.

swizzle, were you the one that posted the pen and teller "bullshit" video about organic food? if that's your argument, then you should probably just stop there. i love those guys, but that episode of their show is indeed BULLSHIT. they said so many factually incorrect things that it blew my mind... (i seriously dont remember who posted it, so sorry if it was someone else)

haven't seen that video in a year or two but i recall one of their major arguments being about how organic food is fertilized with manure and is thus tainted by it. no body uses manure as a fertilizer anymore, it just doesn't happen. it makes no sense. if you buy organic produce shipped in from china then there is DEFINITELY feces on it, but what is the point of buying ANY produce from china? also, there is a common fertilizer affectionately called "biosludge" that is widely used in California. it is basically pasturized human waste... and all of the stuff you see lined up on the supermarket shelves derived its crisp flavor and tasty nutrients from STRAIGHT UP DOO-DOO

yes, i work for an organic farm (currently a hydroponic one) but i do not believe that buying organic food has anything to do with saving the world or even eating higher quality produce. eating local is all that matters.... local = fresh, local = less transportation costs, etc etc. i regularly buy from local conventional farms instead of organic farmers whom i am personal friends with. the quality just isn't there most of the time. the only thing that makes a vegetable taste good is what's in the soil. if it has what the plants need, then the produce will be delicious. unfortunately all soil is lacking in one mineral or another and we get into this huge debate about which product is "superior"

one thing i actually know about in this world is plant science and agriculture. i want someone to start an argument.... this is one i will definitely get into for sport :Spin:
for me buying organic MEAT is more important than buying organic VEGETABLES out of health, but more importantly: ethical concerns. i'm not interested in ingesting a bunch of antibiotics i don't need, but more importantly i can't justify supporting the mainstream meat industry more than necessary, now that i've seen how it's done.

there is ONE farm in the entirety of sweden that produces organic chicken meat, and up here in the north you simply cannot buy organic chicken at all, so i've stopped buying chicken completely until i can get some from folks that treat the animals as living beings.

that's not usually a problem though as WHO CARES ABOUT CHICKEN ANYWAY when we can easily get good-quality organic pork, sometimes we can get beef from my girlfriend's uncle (from cows he raised right with respect,) reindeer and moose meat is plentiful, etc. several good sheep farms around here too.

with vegetables it's not usually a dealbreaker for me whether it's CERTIFIED ORGANIC or not, i know the local farms around here grow real vegetables in real soil etc. i try to stick to what's in season locally (northern sweden, winter: cabbage, kale, more cabbage, more kale, cabbage here, cabbage there, cabbage everywhere) and try to buy stuff from local farmer's markets and whatnot. but yeah, i do buy spanish tomatoes and whatever, they kind of taste like water and are probably sprayed with 50 kinds of poison but what can you do

conclusion: fuck the system, to hell with efficiency and profitability at the expense of everything else, death to the modern world, and i don't care if you think i'm a wimp for caring about animals and my health :danceboy:
now how about that: agriculture sucks!!

eh, you're right. it never really did anything good for civilization. way over-rated TBH ;)

now erik, that is a good point. organic meat is a whole different issue. not eating much meat anymore, but i refuse to buy meat if i cannot identify where it was raised and how it was treated. call me a faggot, but the ground beef that most of us are buying at grocery stores has been treated with ammonia or irradiation. not to mention that it is an EXTREMELY common practice to feed steer pasteurized chicken waste (full of arsenic) and other gross stuff. the amount of hormones and antibiotics used in the meat industry is completely staggering. most meat is treated with ammonia because of the underpaid, miserable, and emotionally uninvolved workers who are slaughtering the animals. make a sloppy cut in the cow, and you just sliced its intestines open and squirted literal bullshit all over the product (USDA standards? what?)

there are many types of steer. you have the ones which are raised specifically for meat eating, and then you have dairy cows. what do you think they do with the dairy cows that are sick or too old to function? after they've been pumped full of drugs, they become your McDonald's/Burger King/Wendy's/Stop and Shop/Big Y/Hannaford's hamburgers. meat from a dairy cow is inferior.

if you buy a whole chicken or turkey at the grocery store, more often than not you can notice a discoloration on its legs (specifically where the bird would be touching the ground). this discoloration is a chemical burn from sitting in its own fucking waste. some of the shit behind the scenes of our food industry in the USA is just sickening... and it seems like no one really gives a fuck. people are quick to label you as some sort of PETA-supporting hippie loser if you care about how your meat was treated, but it think its pretty cool that i can visit a farm 30 miles from here and hang out with the steers that i'll be eating in the future. you can see that they're just chillin'.... eating grass and doing whatever the fuck they want (and i'd much rather have 100% grass-fed steer than sick dairy cow fed with corn and chicken shit).

and erik- if you're having a hard time finding the meat that you want, look up a few farms that raise chicken or beef and take a visit. i dont know how it is out there, but most self respecting farms will take visitors and you can just check it out. i can't get certified organic chicken either, but my farmer just didn't want to pay for the certification hahaha. when you see all of the birds running around outdoors (or if they have lots of indoor room when its too cold), then they are happy. as long as the bird has enough room to roost or open its wings then even that makes a world of difference.
ugh....the best part - where they actually go to the farm - is not available on the interwebs. It's truly hilarious.
Dude, that show is fucking hilarious. Hipster bashing ftw!

Heh. I dont know enough about hipsters to understand what they're bashing...but all the characters remind me of the people I grew up with in a liberal-arts-college town in Ohio. I called them hippies. The ones that weren't hippies were annoying college professors with PhDs in shit like Women's Studies. I never heard the term hipster until lurch mentioned it here on RC
I couldn't sit through a show of actors ironically portraying people being ironic for irony's sake. I'm not a humorous guy you see, I like my meat loaded with antibiotics, and my veggies grown in shit.
Yeah, but, I think there's some disagreement as to what the show is about. Dick thinks they're lampooning hipsters. I don't. The characters are just really annoying, self-absorbed jerks you would see in any moderately sized cosmopolitan city. I can see some of them being specific to Portland, like maybe the bicyclists and the coffee shop patrons but ultimately, there's nothing ironic about them.
holy shit ... that main actor ... hate that dude ... pretty funny stuff otherwise ... if a bit forced.
the waitress was the most natural actor in the skit.
Yeah, but, I think there's some disagreement as to what the show is about. Dick thinks they're lampooning hipsters. I don't. The characters are just really annoying, self-absorbed jerks you would see in any moderately sized cosmopolitan city. I can see some of them being specific to Portland, like maybe the bicyclists and the coffee shop patrons but ultimately, there's nothing ironic about them.

yeah, more annoying than hipsters.

most hipsters I know actually don't give a shit about a lot of this mundane stuff and eat and drink like capitalist pigs
I too hated Fred Armisen until I saw him in this. I think he's fuckin hilarious. And anything with Kyle McLachlan (and Heather Graham) in it automatically rules.
I bet ten donuts to a dollar that the hipster community eats this show up. Not one of these types believes that they themselves fits this demographic, therefore the joke lies on another shoulder.

Top TV Shows by Category (Only shit I watch)

Homeland - Best Written
Breaking Bad - Formerly the Best Written

Spartacus - Tits and Blood

Comedy - Married with Children (S1-S8 preferred)

Sports - NFL/UFC

All other shit either ends up being a disappointment, or flat out blows chalk. Though I'm going to give this CBS show "Person of Interest" a try.
haha remind me to NEVER take a television reco from Jerry :loco:

(except Breaking Bad...which I reco'd to him)