I need a new food product to become addicted to.

can you share some typical meals you eat? especially what do you eat for lunch? its hard to imagine too many choices that have no bread, noodles, tortilla, crackers, etc?

I eat the same way, with a cheat day once a week (hence the ridiculous meal posted up a bit above this). The 'paleo diet'. It's easy as hell, just stay out of the middle of the grocery store pretty much.
lol..never thought id see the paleo diet mentioned on RC...oh wait.

I only eat carbs 3 times during the day on workout days (breakfast, preworkout, postworkout) and once on nonworkout days(breakfast). All very low glycemic carbs except for post workout where it's the complete opposite. Avoid fats on these meals. The rest of the time it's strcitly protein/fat/greens.
can you share some typical meals you eat?

Here are a few from my kitchen:


Meat and vegetables.


Meat and vegetables.


Meat and vegetables.
can you share some typical meals you eat? especially what do you eat for lunch? its hard to imagine too many choices that have no bread, noodles, tortilla, crackers, etc?

breakfast: boiled eggs, or scrambled eggs with cheese & chili, or eggs and bacon. sometimes hi-fat yoghurt with some pumpkin/flax/sunflower seeds and shredded coconut, maybe some blueberries & raspberries

for lunch i usually eat meat of whatever kind + something like tomatoes/peppers/leafy greens/other vegetables/cottage cheese/mayonnaise/feta cheese/other cheese

dinner, pretty much the same as lunch, or a stir-fry like tully's stuff above, or just basically anything. you can make a very nice (better than the original actually) mashed potato substitute with cauliflower

it's easy as pie (but with less starch)
im basically on a paleo/primal thing except i am a lot more liberal with high-fat dairy (works4me) and less liberal than SOME paleo folks with starchy tubers and fruit. in sweden this thing is called ~LCHF~

so lets pretend i dont know wtf a low glycemic carb is maybe give some specific examples?
you could be replacing your pasta and bread with i.e. brown rice, quinoa, and such and it would be BETTER. some starchy tubers are ok like sweet potatoes etc. better yet, fuck all that shit and eat plants and animals

but #1 for anyone looking at improving their diet is cutting out wheat and (added) sugar entirely. that is the main thing
It has a lot to do with Western Culture refining the fuck out of everything. Fuck flour, fuck refined sugars, fuck all this heavily processed garbage. It strips all the nutritional value out of our food. Actual carbs aren't necessarily a bad thing. Unless completely sedentary, we do need them. Just not as much as most Westerners actually consume. And the kind and timing of it all matters too.

Hey Erik, read up on Weston A. Price if you haven't already.
we do need them
although most people can definitely deal with eating a fair amount of carbs (from vegetables!) this is not strictly true, i mean we can live off ketones, and also the body is able to synthesize glucose from excess protein. i don't think there is a good reason for most people to zero-carb because it will involve cutting back a lot on healthy vegetables, but it can be done.

an eskimo living their traditional lifestyle will probably be living off nearly 100% animal matter (fish, whale) because nothing edible grows where they live, and these people tend to be perfectly healthy on a diet of only fat and protein. i don't mean i'm about to eat start eating frozen fish stuffed with whale blubber for every meal, just that it's not strictly true that humans need dietary carbohydrates to live, or even to live healthy lives.

i don't count but i'm probably at 20-50 g of carbs daily.

i'm not very physically active but this diet actually makes me WANT to be more physically active. it's like some ancient genes are waking up and saying "HEY WHAT YOU DOING SITTING THERE. go out and run in the forest. LIFT SOME SHIT." so that's pretty cool because physical activity always used to be a chore for me and i could never motivate myself to go to the gym or whatever

this weston guy looks pretty interesting from wikipedia, i'll check his shit out, thanx
but bread is so tasty! :zombie:
i used to be like "WHAT NO I CAN'T GIVE UP PASTA" but after ~2 weeks you literally don't want that shit anymore

and this is not something i'm imagining, it's a very tangible physiological sensation. it's like the body realizes that there is no need or want for those processed carbs so it's like "meh whatever, more bacon please"

EDIT: remember when you were a kid and you used to eat all the tasty sandwich toppings but leave the bread and your parents would be like "NO STOP THAT EAT THE WHOLE SANDWICH LIKE A BIG BOY"? lo-carb/paleo/primal is like that but all the time and your parents cant say shit about it. fuck bread
I generally avoid processed crap but I'm pretty codependent with my constant bread stream. Primarily whole wheat, average probably one slice per day. IT TASTES GOOD gOD DAMMIT.

Starting next week I'm gonna try low-bread no-beer just for kicks. Best way I lose weight is pretty simple though: EAT LESS + EXERCISE MORE. Amazing how that does it.
EAT LESS + EXERCISE MORE. Amazing how that does it.

there's the key

Strict diets excluding stuff don't work well, proven fact, because people can't stick to them. People have a hard time eating less and exercising more too though but whatever.
In general, people eat badly and sure could do some cutting down on primarily carbs but I'm not for excluding stuff completely.