I really did not like this comment

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Mortal With Immortal Mind
Quote: Originally Posted by Kate Bush Rules!
SyX's style really is very predictable, particularly the guitar/keyboard duels idea, and they haven't significantly changed their general sound since "The Divine Wings of Tragedy". Michael Pinnella doesn't really have a wide palette of keyboard instruments either.

There are power metal influences all over the place in Symphony X. The most obvious is Russell Allen's falsetto power metal voice. Michael Romeo plays plenty of galloping riffs, and other static riffs. His neo-classical shred solos are very power metal. Jason Rullo uses the double-bass drums A LOT. I think the most progressive thing about them is the bass playing, because it is not always totally dependent on the guitar. I think SyX are prog-influenced, but still a great power metal band.
Friend, honestly you dont know wat are you talking about:erk:...

Regarding your first comment: First of all, Whats your definition of "Progressive Metal", this one could it be a good definition:

Progressive Metal incorporates elements of classical music , resulting in long, complex instrumental passages and dramatic, grandiose flourishes.Prog musicians do have classical elements to their music, but they also have jazz (Awekenings) and psychedelic influences. According to this, we clearly see that SymponyX is PURE Progressive Metal.

I guess you love DT but let me tell you, they havent done nothing progressive since a "Change of Seasons", no even with the help of Jordan. Dont you like the guitar/keyboards duels? You know, DT can not play amazing duels such as "Sins and Shadows", "Church of the Machine" or "Inferno", due to the unbalance between Petruccis level and Jordans. What really makes the big difference between SymponyX duels and DreamTeater ones is the many amazing unison parts played together with Micheal Romeo,

Michael Pinella is the MAN, he DOES have a variety of keyboard instruments, for example on "The Accolade" he uses several instruments: Violin, New age Pad, Piano, Synth Strings, Lead Synthetizer and Cruch Organ. I dont like keyboardist who uses as many sounds as they want, becouse when you see them on a live concert they arent playing, they are only using samples. As Michael Pinella said: " I have too much to worry about. I'd get in big trouble with the samplers. I've this kind of musical sequencer.
We take that into consideration too when we write. We try not to write so many things, you know. Kind of keyboard parts, and tough parts so that it's impossible to reproduce on a concert"

Jason Rullo as a power metal drummer??? You must be kidding o_O, he uses many jazz tecniques, i mean he doesnt hammer the drums (like many power metal drummers) he PLAYS the drums. I dont care about double bass drum....

You can say whatever you want about Sir Russell..Hes the BEST singer of the Prog Scene period.
Luis thanks for your comment on the other thread. You shouldn't have erased it because I just made another comment. The flaming has begun on the other thread.
Dude chill out. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Yours is very different from Kate's. I tend to agree more with you than Kate, but come on DT hasn't done anything prog since ACOS? lmao.
You know, DT can not play amazing duels such as "Sins and Shadows", "Church of the Machine" or "Inferno", due to the unbalance between Petruccis level and Jordans.


You have NO idea of what you are talking about. DT cannot play amazing solo duels, DT not progressive, Jordan and Petrucci unbalanced? First of all, while I jest frequently about DT being the benchmark of "progressive" music, I hold the opinion that saying that they are NOT prog is ultimately and irrevokably fallacious. Falling Into Infinity was on to something great, due to the restraint that was placed on Dream Theater. Put under the strict hand of the record company, DT produced perhaps the most intriguing mix of prog and pop (way better than the neo-prog of the 80`s) ever made, combining exquisite musicianship with fantastic melodies and arrangements. FII is by many people not considered progressive, but that`s because they are closedminded prog snobs that demand everything to be a diatonic shred fest in 7/8 (a deliberate overstatement). So many subtle "progressive" details are hidden beneath the polished surface.

Scenes from a Memory marked a slight devolution, due to the introduction of wanker extraordinaire Jordan Rudess, which promptly made Petrucci utilize his chops in a sometimes tasteless manner. But the melodies were still there, moments of individual brilliance abounded and the havoc of time changes that were not present on FII leaves no doubt about the "progressivity" of the release. To say that DT have not released anything progressive since ACOS, is as I said, fallacious, and makes one wonder whether you`ve got your ears or your prog straight. Petrucci is an amazing guitarist and though it is IMPOSSIBLE to accurately measure skill level, they certainly seem more than capable of playing amazingly difficult unison runs live(see Blind Faith or Beyond This Life). Frankly, I have no idea where you`ve gotten the idea of Petrucci being subpar to Jordan.

Jason Rullo as a power metal drummer??? You must be kidding o_O, he uses many jazz tecniques, i mean he doesnt hammer the drums (like many power metal drummers) he PLAYS the drums. I dont care about double bass drum....

There`s no escaping that even though Rullo sometimes makes the effort to include some 16ths broken rhythms on the ride (I guess this constitutes using jazz technique :p) while doing it, he frequently employs the standard powermetal pattern with 8ths on the hi-hat, 16ths on the bassdrum and fourths on the snare. It is too simple to dismiss as a powermetal-drummer though, he didn`t get as high as he did in the Modern Drummer poll for nothing, he is certainly a very skilled drummer with excellent technique.

Michael Pinella is the MAN, he DOES have a variety of keyboard instruments, for example on "The Accolade" he uses several instruments: Violin, New age Pad, Piano, Synth Strings, Lead Synthetizer and Cruch Organ.

Why can`t he just spend some time programming his damn synths instead of picking shitty GM presets all the time? He does use a variety of sounds, but none of them, except his lead sound, which is a Roland Jp-8000 preset, have any individual character (because he doesn`t make ANY of them himself). Pinnella is, IMO, no more than an average synthist, with a few moments of brilliance (the solos in Rediscovery) . If you listen to his playing on the live album, he makes plenty of mistakes, messes up unison runs (Fallen being a good example) and I guess he is the reason for the simplifying of several of the unison runs.

You can say whatever you want about Sir Russell..Hes the BEST singer of the Prog Scene period.
Hard to argue with that. :D
speaking about jason from a musician view,i disagree with the people that say he is 'power metalish' for example his beats in odd time signatures are unbelievable, inferno and divine wings are examples
Divine Wings Of Tragedy said:
speaking about jason from a musician view,i disagree with the people that say he is 'power metalish' for example his beats in odd time signatures are unbelievable, inferno and divine wings are examples

Jason is a jazz drummer. He told me this and he's proud of it. The style has allowed him to be precise and intricate. He has developed an incredible stamina to push it to the ultimate limits within the band.
Pharoah said:
Jason is a jazz drummer. He told me this and he's proud of it. The style has allowed him to be precise and intricate. He has developed an incredible stamina to push it to the ultimate limits within the band.
He is? My bad.
I would say that just because jason does a lot of double bass doesn't mean power metal. Let's see what other styles of metal use double bass... hmm... death metal, black metal, power metal, thrash metal, gore metal... you see where i am going with this. I think the fact that they use such aggressive drumming styles while maintaning the jazz aspect is one of the things that makes them a metal band and not simply a prog band.
Harp Heaven said:
Why can`t he just spend some time programming his damn synths instead of picking shitty GM presets all the time? He does use a variety of sounds, but none of them, except his lead sound, which is a Roland Jp-8000 preset, have any individual character (because he doesn`t make ANY of them himself). Pinnella is, IMO, no more than an average synthist, with a few moments of brilliance (the solos in Rediscovery) . If you listen to his playing on the live album, he makes plenty of mistakes, messes up unison runs (Fallen being a good example) and I guess he is the reason for the simplifying of several of the unison runs.

Why do you have to be so overcritical of Pinnella? Who cares if he doesn't make them himself? Besides, it shouldn't matter what the EXACT kind of sound it is, it should matter how he plays them, and IMO he plays them well. Maybe I'm just dumb, but I didn't notice any mistakes on LOTEOF. He's only human, so who cares if he did. Music shouldn't be based on how technologically perfect it is. Let the man play his keyboards.
Luis said:
I guess you love DT but let me tell you, they havent done nothing progressive since a "Change of Seasons", no even with the help of Jordan. Dont you like the guitar/keyboards duels? You know, DT can not play amazing duels such as "Sins and Shadows", "Church of the Machine" or "Inferno", due to the unbalance between Petruccis level and Jordans. What really makes the big difference between SymponyX duels and DreamTeater ones is the many amazing unison parts played together with Micheal Romeo,

Needled24Seven said:
Dt hasnt put out anything interesting since symphony x got together :tickled:

Just a question, why do you guys feel the need to disprove his opinion? (just wondering) the only statement worthy of comment that I found was this one

The most obvious is Russell Allen's falsetto power metal voice.

Alrighty, heres what I think...

Symphony X are not progmetal. Too much of what they write is pretty straightfoward neoclassical. Yeah they have odd time signatures but is that all that makes something progressive? Do they have some prog moments? Sure. So do Opeth, Angra, and Blind Guardian, but I wouldn't call any of those bands progmetal either. The prog elements SyX do have (long songs, lengthy instrumental passages, shifting time signatures) don't occur as much as the neoclassical elements (or even the thrashy Pantera-esque stuff). Plus, Theres one big element of prog SyX do not have, and thats the incorperation of many stylistic influences. Luis mentioned Jazz...but thats in one small part of one song. Listen to a band like Pain of Salvation and you'll hear they have influences ranging from jazz to blues to funk along with the metal stuff and even some pop stuff. What do I hear in SyX? Classical and metal.

To me, SyX is a part of a sort of NWONCM (New Wave of Neo Classical Metal :D ;)) that seems to be goin on with bands like themselves, Majestic/Time Requiem, Adagio, and to some extent Rhapsody (Hollywood metal my ass lol) and even Children of Bodom (again, black metal my ass - alexi your vocals dont fool me ;)).

So thats what I think (if anyone cares hehehe).
Hmm...Interesting, I didn't know there were this many fan(atic)s on this board :Smug:

Well, seriosly I wonder why some people get so offended when someone says SX isn't prog.
It feels like the word 'prog' has some kind of absolute value that makes the music somehow sublime.

Despite the album 'V' SX isn't just prog. SX has also influenses from power metal.
And that's just a good thing. Not all power is bad, for example highly prog-influented Blind guardian.
SX has also some lyrics that could might as well have been on some power metal band's record.

As you see from people's reactions on this board, it's very difficult to catogorize SX to a specific genre.
The thing is...The diversity of music styles in SX's music is the thing that makes SX unique.

And what comes Jason drumming...Jason uses a lot double bass and that makes him sound like power metal drummer to many people's ears
(still, that doesn't make him Jörg Michael). I think Jason does an incredible job on 'V' and has a very jazz-like feeling in his drumming.
One reason to Jason's use of double bass is that he plays for band and for the music and isn't trying to show off all the time...unlike some other drummers...*cough*...Portnoy...*cough* :D (just teasing)

comprehension & peace people :cool:
I'm sorry, i just have to comment on one thing... NO ONE EVER CALLED COB BLACK METAL!!!!!!! That caps was for emphasis, not yelling... just to clarify. But Even Alexi said that CoB isn't black metal and they have never said they are black metal. I don't know where this whole "they are black metal" thing comes from... i would say melodic death metal at simplest explanation, especially for something wild and hatebreeder, though they have switched over to more just straight forward heavy metal like Nevermore.
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