I thought there was already a thread for recording Bass Guitar.

I just want to shime in and say I highly disagree with Korns bass tone being good. The only this distiguishable in it is the click from his strings hitting the pickup from them being so loose and him sloppily smacking them. Fieldy is a horrible excuse for a musician, and Korn as a whole is just repulsive. :Puke::Puke::Puke:

Sorry I just had to get that off my chest. I will add some bass tips when I am not so tired a cranky.
I tend to think of the opening to the new Dark Tranquility as the kind of thing I'd like to hear on its own but I don't know if it's different with the rest of the band. Tasty mix all around, though, so that might be my pick.

So this is a bit late but I just got a chance to talk to Frank tonight.

Fieldy's bass sound is a Mesa head through two cabs (one a 6x12 with a tweeter the other 2x15) with AT 4047 & 4060 mics on each. He also said he used a Sanken mic but only on the 2x15 cab.
I recently had some luck with a SHURE KSM32 on an ampeg B15n, miked two-and-a-half feet away edge of speaker pointing down toward dust cap. Push that with a pedal...very brown.
Ok..here is a tip that I think will assist you a lot..sharp and clicky sucks, and we all struggle with this. What you want to do to solve this is use a mult.

This is how I did a bass track last night, try it if you want:

Take your DI bass part and roll off the highs a little...this will vary..my last recording, the DI rolled off to like 10k.

Now, the fun stuff..take the mult and high pass it. A lot of people do it to 800hz, but for me that does not work. I high pass it to around 300hz. I low pass to around 3k. So now we have a tone focused in the mids. I also boosted the hell out of 800hz for my situation.

Next step...compress this bastard hard..I use 2 compressors in series. I highly reccomend Blockfish for this..it's free..so just use it. Start with blockfish and put the saturation on max..the speed of the compressor should be as fast as possible. Compress it hard..turn that dial all the way right. After Blockfish, I added the URS 1970 with a fast attack..I compressed this hard also.

The key here is the fast attack of the compressor..this is what will give you "that sound" without the sharp and clicky transients.

Ok, now you put in your distortion plug of choice. Mine is Quadrafuzz in Cubase. I scroll through the bass presets until I get ballpark of what I want. Then I take out some high mids and take out all the highs. I boost the crap out of the low mids.

You can follow quadrafuzz with a speaker emulator if you want..this is optional, because you really won't need it...or maybe you will, each mix is different.

Now...you drop this distorted track with the main DI so it is around 60% DI...use your ears.

Buss both tracks to Bass submix.

On that submix, I put colortone pro first in the chain and used the SSL preset. Why? It just sounded good..you dont have to do this. Next I pull out the Waves SSL channel (or your EQ compressor of choice). I boost 60hz around 6db, cut 200hz around 6db with a decent Q, then boost 700hz a little. I finish off with a big fast boost of 3k (Waves SSL is great for this). At this point, since you lowered the highs on your distorted track, they will still sound very controlled and won't be clicky.

Finally, I slap on Rbass set at 80hz. I keep the output controlled so it is not clipping.

Result : satanic bass that cuts through huge guitars but does not sound rattley or clicky.

I don't get it, what's a "mult"? :ill:
Is is, that you mean, there's 2 tracks, one DI, one distored?
The distorted one like a copy of the DI run through eg. Ampeg SVX?

As for the SSL channel, do you load it like 2-3 times in your inserts in a row, cause I can't figure how to dial the knobs correctly, so that all settings are with one plug...

I mean... can you post a screenshot of your settings on the plugs?

I think that'll make things clearer for me :)
I don't get it, what's a "mult"? :ill:
Is is, that you mean, there's 2 tracks, one DI, one distored?
The distorted one like a copy of the DI run through eg. Ampeg SVX?

As for the SSL channel, do you load it like 2-3 times in your inserts in a row, cause I can't figure how to dial the knobs correctly, so that all settings are with one plug...

I mean... can you post a screenshot of your settings on the plugs?

I think that'll make things clearer for me :)

You know, I've been wanting to try BattleTits's method, and I'm a bit confused, too. I think screenshots or a little clarification from either BattleTits or Mood Bender would be a huge help.

cryptopsy - whisper supremacy

I love that one also...

I may add (those are kind of "Ampeg SVT" typical sounds but i love it) :

Slipknot - Iowa

pantera - the 2 bonus tracks on the live album (listen to the bass intro on "i can't hide".. i love it :) )

All Shall Perish - hate malice revenge

36 crazyfists - a snow capped romance

madball - hold it down

and then less "ampeg svt metal" bass sound tones :

incubus - morning view & light grenades

e town concrete - the renaissance

faith no more - king for a day, fool for a lifetime
i believe sharlee's tone is all due to that rickenbacker, and some sort of overdrive. I see him using mashalls on stage, but he might be running a pedal.

He runs a Marshall VBA 400 live. I think his gain is from the Marshall, not from a pedal, but I could be wrong. He does have a nice distorted tone.

I think the real trick there is the Rickenbacker, though. Ricks love distortion. This can be proven with empirical evidence outside of Arch Enemy. (See= Rush, "Moving Pictures"; The Sisters Of Mercy, "First And Last And Always"; Mötorhead, anything.) :rock: I suck hard on bass, but I want a Rick badly.

dUg Pinnick (King's X) - Dogman.

let thy 'nads rumble.

Dug's tone is pwnage. His rig is crazy, though. :zombie:
