I would just like to inform you that...

Try doing some headbanging when you're drunk during the heavy part of Master's Apprentices, the on the mellow part of the song look up and spin... You'll love Opeth even more
harryhash said:
Dude, spam and old news.

So damn true though...:D
please excuse blimey, he just came back from a party where he pwnt a bunch of beer.. but it is my belief he was way drunker after new years, eh?
Lord Phinx said:
Try doing some headbanging when you're drunk during the heavy part of Master's Apprentices, the on the mellow part of the song look up and spin... You'll love Opeth even more

Not if it's goon you've been drinking.
I remember I was at a party, and forcefully left Still Life on the stereo all night.
I ended up lying in the room alone appreciating Opeth even more than I had before.
Yeah. Actually I gave up a potential orgy to go listen and jam along with still life with some guys at a party one time. Now *that's* dedication.

I don't know what it is but being drunk just makes the music even more enjoyable. The best is when you're at a house with a ton of musicians and a few of them actually know some of the tracks, so you're drunkenly jamming along.
one time me and like 4 friends were listening to blackwater park while getting stoned and i played air guitar, air drums, and sang... i was hyper as fuck... and that part where the guitar fades in and goes from speaker to speaker, we started tripping bad, i love opeth so much after that... :lol:
well, here in the netherlands its 'legal' to smoke marijuana, as you guys may know already...so sometimes me and some friends of mine are just having a laidback night, smoking some pot and listening to some opeth. I heard so much more, so more evilness and darkness and the mellowparts were just amazing. I cant explain it exactly, its much more different then being drunk and listening to opeth. You really should try it out!
This is kind of lame. Alcohol makes like anything more enjoyable in your drunken stupor. Its just obvious.

Now weed or other drugs. Thats where music gets more interesting. o_O :headbang:
EternalMetal said:
This is kind of lame. Alcohol makes like anything more enjoyable in your drunken stupor. Its just obvious.

Now weed or other drugs. Thats where music gets more interesting. o_O :headbang:

Uhh. Ok, when I'm high, listening to Opeth is also better. :). Happy?

Moonlapse: A POSSIBLE ORGY? Damn, you are dedicated.