I would post this in my other topic...

damn you steve you should have put her then the sheep and then her again (after choclate chip cookies of coarse)
lmao - this thread is funny stuff

dude, perfecterror lives in my state - so ha james

i'm making it with her, then the sheep, then her again, and then 10 sheep at the same time... just to fucking spite you!!!
Death to the lies of Christianity, to false prophets and gods, and the brainwashing of ignorant youth through POD and similar shit. Embrace Satan, your insticts and carnal nature and become a god yourself.
PiNkMaGGiT said:
I think the whole photoshopping Nevermore band members thing is getting out of hand... If I were in the band I would start getting worried right about now... :)
So far all of them are just spin off of their names. Hopefully it stays that way.
Wow..perfectterror, what in the world is your damage?! the only reason people are ignoring your mean comments is because they think youre hot...

I think the whole photoshopping Nevermore band members thing is getting out of hand... If I were in the band I would start getting worried right about now...
Yeah i agree...im stopping with WWWD...thats the end for me...i dont know why everyone else is trying to do that kind of thing but oh well..i guess it cant be helped...
perfecterror said:
you are gay
Jesus is gay. Look at my signature for proof.

If a person more or less understands that there is a very good possibility the god Christians love to worship does not exist, why do they still believe? If it is for self-empowerment, the need to believe in something, why not believe in yourself instead.

The mere fact that through a series of both random and intended acts of nature humans were created, makes you something special and unique. There is no need to turn to a higher being to explain that which you can now not understand, you will eventually understand it in the future.

And while in the grand perspective of the universe you are insignificant, you ARE able to affect a smaller or larger portion of the world around you. Formal and informal norms present in Christian teachings only disallow you from indulging in the joys of life most people never experience.

You should free yourself of all brainwashing and engage in deviance. Kill, or otherwise how will you ever appreciate life? Cause pain and misery to your fellow worthless human beings to appreciate what you have and they lack. Rape, torture, maim, sacrifice animals, humans, burn churches and symbols of false gods, feast on other human beings, engage in forbidden sexual acts, have sex with the dead, distance yourself from society and embrace those who think alike. Do your part in cleansing this world from mindless, powerless beings and create a new world order based on chaos, the way humans were supposed to live, away from any kind of social structure.
Maharet said:
Wow..perfectterror, what in the world is your damage?! the only reason people are ignoring your mean comments is because they think youre hot...

Yeah i agree...im stopping with WWWD...thats the end for me...i dont know why everyone else is trying to do that kind of thing but oh well..i guess it cant be helped...
i didnt like your comment, and i thought it was gay. cant i say "its gay"? i take it back, you arent gay... just your comment:) if you make a statement like that, then i can say whatever i want back to you... and if you dont like it, tell me so:) see this can be the beginning to a whole new friendship... but i think you left. see ya next time then :p
Guerrilla made that comment, i just wanted to know why the meanness..we arent a hostile bunch so you dont have to get your arsehair up about anything...in my opinion, saying things suck and calling people gay isnt a nice way to make friends...
Guerrilla said:
Jesus is gay. Look at my signature for proof.

If a person more or less understands that there is a very good possibility the god Christians love to worship does not exist, why do they still believe? If it is for self-empowerment, the need to believe in something, why not believe in yourself instead.

The mere fact that through a series of both random and intended acts of nature humans were created, makes you something special and unique. There is no need to turn to a higher being to explain that which you can now not understand, you will eventually understand it in the future.

And while in the grand perspective of the universe you are insignificant, you ARE able to affect a smaller or larger portion of the world around you. Formal and informal norms present in Christian teachings only disallow you from indulging in the joys of life most people never experience.

You should free yourself of all brainwashing and engage in deviance. Kill, or otherwise how will you ever appreciate life? Cause pain and misery to your fellow worthless human beings to appreciate what you have and they lack. Rape, torture, maim, sacrifice animals, humans, burn churches and symbols of false gods, feast on other human beings, engage in forbidden sexual acts, have sex with the dead, distance yourself from society and embrace those who think alike. Do your part in cleansing this world from mindless, powerless beings and create a new world order based on chaos, the way humans were supposed to live, away from any kind of social structure.

I agree. Down with "religion". Religion is what is tearing the world apart today, religion is what is narrowing the minds of all people in this world, religion is not something i aggree with. However......I believe in Jesus. Since you were able to say your opinion, hear mine. Being a true believer in Jesus and HIS teachings is what I believe in, not all of the dogma attached to the religious people. I know what Jesus did for me in my life, and it has been a life changind experience, like no other.

It pisses me off so much when people put me down and say that I am closed minded, and I don't believe in myself. Jesus was the biggest believer of self there ever was, he encouraged all people to think for themselves and to not accept society as it is. he was a rebel in society if you will. Jesus was a feminist, a civil rights activist, an encourager, a friend, and a savior to all of us. Even if you don't accept him, he still dies for you, and he knew there would be people who would still portray him in bad ways. I am not here to convince anyone to believe in him or to be saved, or to be a christian. i am only saying that I don't agree with what you are saying.

Jesus is not the one who made religion, people did. People are the ones who corrupted it, and twisted it to fit their wants and desires. Not him... I just wanted to state to all of you that if you say what you want to say, then I am also allowed to say what I feel. Don't accept him, i am not the one pushing him down your throat... I will never do that. Why do you talk about him so much? Have you ever been in a philosophy class?
well the fact that you are a Bodom fan makes you pretty ok in my book...and about that speil about Christ..ummm....well...everyone is entitled to have an opinion..i dont believe in Satan...at all..lol! In order to believe in Satan, one must believe in the Christian god, ja? thats just contradictary in my opinion..so saying that i dont believe in Satan is also saying i dont believe in that god either...:)