If it wasn't for Al Gore...

And I wanna watch TV now, so I'm gonna summarize this in a few sentences:

Global Warming most likely exists, but you know what? I think a lot of the 'facts' about it (just like the 'facts' in an arguement for or against the existence of 1 or more God(s)) are overdramatized and even fabricated to an extent to strike fear in you.

And I feel the entire Al Gore Documentary is total bullshit, just like everything else he has done/said in the past 10 years (and aso you know... i'd give the same shit to George Bush cause he's the only man I considered a worse fit for president than Al, because I'd rather have someone spending my money on something that even if the facts around it may be bullshit, is helping us in some way... unlike some other made up 'facts' and a certain war created as a result... ).
Also, why the hell is the theory called Global Warming? It should be called Global Temperate Change.

Cause the temperature change is due to a shift in the Polar Ice Caps.

The shift in the Polar Ice Caps is due to the Effect of Global Warming at the North and South Poles

Its warmer at the poles which means the ice melts faster which changes the temperature of the oceans which effects the Temperature in different ways depending on the jet stream.
It remains possible that climate change is natural. We may just blame ourselves as part of our OMG HUMANS ARE THE EVERYTHING! complex we have going.
i think it is fucking stupid not to admit global warming.
global warming doesn't refer to being colder than usually in utah, eric. The water temperature at the poles is higher=>ice melts. guess what happnes if antartica, and all the ice at the poles that is floating on water, the glaciers etc melt? sea levels goes up by 200M meters, which is a little above 600feet? i guess your little tiny useless state is going to be one with the fish. florida would be underwater, manhatan underwater, the netherlands, britain underwater, california (the coast) would be underwater, the lower parts of seattle would be underwater. sexy neh?
global warming triggers a change in hot-cold water current levels which cause the climate change. why do we even have snow in seattle, why is it so cold in calif? why is it so warm in romania at this time of year, when it is supposed to be fucking freezing? why is las vegas having temperature below freezing? (so poker players can buy heaters) Just because al gore says it doesn't make it less true. global warming is no longer a theory, is a proven fact. if the pope would say it i would believe him as much as i hate him and i want to cut his head off.
As someone who has recently just completed a degree in environmental matters, please allow me to shed a tiny bit of light on a few things.

EricT said:
Also, why the hell is the theory called Global Warming? It should be called Global Temperate Change.

At university, the term we used and was used in the literature was "Global Climate Change". Here in the UK, it is predicted that things will warm up to an extent, but then things should cool dramatically.

This will be due to fresh water from the Arctic and Greenland ice caps melting in such a quantity to change the salinity of the North Atlantic which effect the global conveyor belt, stopping the release of warm air from the ocean meaning Britain, Ireland and some other places will see a massive deline in temperature, putting our climate like most countries on the same lattitude as us like Canada and Russia, having vast ecological effects.

It remains possible that climate change is natural. We may just blame ourselves as part of our OMG HUMANS ARE THE EVERYTHING! complex we have going.

Climate change is natural. Due to changes in the Earth's axis and orbit, the planet goes through periods of cooling and warming. Currently we are in a period of warming. However, what is not natural is the rate at which the climate is warming. The planet is is warming up about a hundred times faster than it should be due to anthropogenic causes.

Wolftribe said:
All I know is that the environment wont collapse in my life time and that's all I really care about. Thank you, good bye.

It all depends on where you live as to how it will affect you. At the poles the effect of global climate change is felt much more than around the equator. Also, there are other problems that can arise due to climate change. In many mountainous regions, glacial melt water is often the main and sometimes only source of fresh water for countries. One such country is Pakistan, a nuclear weapons state. Now, if global warming continues and all the glaciers melt, which is entirely possible in your lifetime, then places like Pakistan are going to be without water. And what's the betting that Pakistan will attempt to seize water from elsewhere? In the future, it is highly possible that wars will no longer be fought over oil or gold, but water.

My appologies if that was all a bit long-winded :cool: